Uses of Interface

Packages that use IAdaptable
Provides support for performing structural and textual compare operations on arbitrary data and displaying the results.
Support for compare and merge viewers which show the content side-by-side.
Provides support for finding and displaying the differences between hierarchically structured data.
Classes for the creation of undoable operations which can be added to an operations history and later be undone and redone.
Provides an interface for interacting with a file system.
Provides an API to be extended by a file system implementation.
Provides basic support for managing a workspace and its resources.
Provides APIs for integrating application models with the workspace
Provides support for the runtime platform, core utility methods and the extension registry.
Provides core support for scheduling and interacting with background activity.
Provides support for launching programs, breakpoint management, expression management, and debug events.
Defines interfaces for debug model elements, source lookup, and launching.
Provides support for source lookup.
Provides implementations of common source containers supporting source lookup.
Provides a generic debugger user interface that clients may customize via standard workbench extension points.
Provides classes and interfaces to render memory blocks in the memory view.
Provides a user interface for debug platform source lookup facilities.
Describes high level provisioning operations that can be resolved and performed either modally or in the background.
Defines common API for querying and modifying provisioning repositories.
Defines artifact repository.
Defines SPI for registering new implementations of artifact repositories.
Defines metadata repository.
Defines SPI for registering new implementations of metadata repositories.
Defines common types for handling repositories.
Provides provisioning user interface classes that can be used for assembling a provisioning UI.
Provides support for detecting and displaying hyperlinks in ISourceViewers.
Application programming interfaces for interaction with the Eclipse text template support.
Application programmer interface to implement semantic preserving workspace transformations.
Application programming interface to query refactoring history information from the refactoring infrastructure.
Application programming interface to support logical models.
Application programming interface to participant in existing rename, move and delete refactorings if the refactoring provider supports participation.
Application programmer interface to implement resource dependend refactorings.
Application programming interface to implement a wizard based user interface for refactorings.
Classes and interface required to contribute search dialog pages and search result view pages.
Application programming interfaces for defining and working with repository providers.
Application programming interfaces for working with resource mappings.
Application programming interfaces for generating and refreshing synchronization state.
Application programming interfaces for managing synchronization state.
Application programming interfaces for accessing and managing resource variants.
Provides basic support for managing Team providers.
Application programming interfaces for working with history.
Application programming interfaces for working with resource mappings.
Contains the team synchronization presentation framework and support for the Synchronize View.
Application programming interfaces for interaction with and extension of the Eclipse Platform User Interface.
Classes for actions and operations used in a workbench window, page, or part in the Eclipse Platform User Interface.
Application-level APIs for configuring and controling the Eclipse Platform User Interface.
Application programming interfaces for interaction with the Eclipse console.
Classes for standard dialogs, wizards, and preference pages in the Eclipse Platform User Interface.
Provides a standard text editor and concrete document providers based IFileBuffer and others directly handling IFile and IStorage as editor input.
Support for forms-based multi-page editors.
APIs for the IDE-specific portion of the Eclipse Platform User Interface.
APIs that provide undo and redo behavior for operations that manipulate the workspace.
Application programming interfaces for interaction with and extension of the product introduction parts.
Provides support for customizing welcome content and presentation.
Provides a workbench adapter for displaying workbench elements in the UI without having to know the concrete type of the element, and various label providers for workbench-specific objects like editors, views, and perspectives.
Provides the Common Navigator framework.
Provides reusable components for clients that need to expand on the capabilities provided by the reference Common Navigator Resources extension.
Classes that provide the basic workbench UI support for undo and redo of operations.
Classes for the creation of workbench parts that integrate with the Eclipse Platform User Interface.
Application programming interfaces for interaction with and extension of the Eclipse Platform User Interface.
Application programming interfaces for interaction with and extension of the Eclipse Platform User Interface.
Provides a framework for text editors obeying to the desktop rules.
Application programming interfaces for interaction with the Eclipse text editor template support.
Application programming interfaces for interaction with and extension of the Eclipse Platform User Interface.
Provides the standard Content Outline view which can show the active editor's custom outline for the document being edited.
Utility classes for working with markers in views
Provides the standard Property Sheet view which displays custom properties of the active workbench part's current selection.
Provides the standard Task List view for displaying tasks and problem annotations on resources.
Application programming interfaces for interaction with and extension of the Eclipse Platform User Interface wizard support.