Interface ILaunchConfiguration

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public interface ILaunchConfiguration extends IAdaptable
A launch configuration describes how to launch an application. Each launch configuration is an instance of a type of launch configuration as described by a launch configuration type extension. Each launch configuration has a launch configuration delegate which performs the actual launching of a configuration.

A launch configuration may be shared in a repository via standard VCM mechanisms, or may be stored locally, essentially making the launch configuration private for a single user. Thus, a launch configuration may stored as a file in the workspace (shared), or as a file in the debug plug-in's state location.

A launch configuration is a handle to its underlying storage. Methods annotated as "handle-only" do not require a configuration to exist. Methods that require an underlying configuration to exist throw a CoreException when an underlying configuration is missing.

A launch configuration is modified by obtaining a working copy of a launch configuration, modifying the working copy, and then saving the working copy.

Clients that define a launch configuration delegate extension implement the ILaunchConfigurationDelegate interface.

See Also:
This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
This interface is not intended to be extended by clients.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final String
    Launch configuration attribute storing an identifier of a persistable source locator extension.
    static final String
    Launch configuration attribute storing a memento of a source locator.
    static final int
    Type constant (bit mask value 1) which identifies a launch configuration.
    static final String
    The file extension for launch configuration files (value "launch").
    static final String
    The file extension for launch configuration prototype files (value "prototype").
    static final int
    Type constant (bit mask value 2) which identifies a launch configuration prototype.
    static final int
    Flag indicating that only this configuration is to be modified by an operation.
    static final int
    Flag indicating that this prototype and any effected prototype children of this prototype should be updated when this prototype is modified.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns whether the contents of this launch configuration are equal to the contents of the given launch configuration.
    copy(String name)
    Returns a copy of this launch configuration, as a working copy, with the specified name.
    Deletes this launch configuration.
    delete(int flag)
    Deletes this launch configuration.
    Returns whether this launch configuration's underlying storage exists.
    getAttribute(String attributeName, boolean defaultValue)
    Returns the boolean-valued attribute with the given name.
    getAttribute(String attributeName, int defaultValue)
    Returns the integer-valued attribute with the given name.
    getAttribute(String attributeName, String defaultValue)
    Returns the string-valued attribute with the given name.
    getAttribute(String attributeName, List<String> defaultValue)
    Returns the java.util.List-valued attribute with the given name.
    getAttribute(String attributeName, Map<String,String> defaultValue)
    Returns the java.util.Map-valued attribute with the given name.
    getAttribute(String attributeName, Set<String> defaultValue)
    Returns the java.util.Set-valued attribute with the given name.
    Returns a map containing the attributes in this launch configuration.
    Returns this launch configuration's type's category, or null if unspecified.
    Returns the file this launch configuration is stored in, or null if this configuration is stored locally with the workspace.
    Returns this configuration's kind.
    Since a launch configuration does not need to be stored in the local file system, this attribute should no longer be used to identify a launch configuration.
    Returns the resources this launch configuration is associated with or null if none.
    Returns a memento for this launch configuration, or null if unable to generate a memento for this configuration.
    Returns the launch modes that have been set on this configuration.
    Returns the name of this launch configuration.
    Returns the preferred launch delegate that has been set on this configuration or null if one is not specified.
    Returns the prototype this launch configuration was created from or null if none.
    Returns all configurations made from this prototype, possibly an empty collection.
    Get the visible attributes of this prototype (return null if the launch configuration is not a prototype).
    Returns the type of this launch configuration.
    Returns a working copy of this launch configuration.
    hasAttribute(String attributeName)
    Returns whether this configuration contains an attribute with the given name.
    Check if the given attribute has the same value than the one from its prototype.
    Returns whether this launch configuration is stored locally within the workspace.
    Returns whether this launch configuration is a candidate for migration.
    Returns whether this configuration is a prototype.
    Returns whether this launch configuration is read-only.
    Returns whether this launch configuration is a working copy.
    launch(String mode, IProgressMonitor monitor)
    Launches this configuration in the specified mode by delegating to this configuration's launch configuration delegate, and returns the resulting launch.
    launch(String mode, IProgressMonitor monitor, boolean build)
    Launches this configuration in the specified mode by delegating to this configuration's launch configuration delegate, and returns the resulting launch.
    launch(String mode, IProgressMonitor monitor, boolean build, boolean register)
    Launches this configuration in the specified mode by delegating to this configuration's launch configuration delegate, and returns the resulting launch.
    Migrates this launch configuration to be compatible with current tooling.
    setPrototypeAttributeVisibility(String attribute, boolean visible)
    Set the visibility of the given prototype's attribute.
    Returns whether this launch configuration supports the specified mode.

    Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable

  • Field Details


      The file extension for launch configuration files (value "launch").
      See Also:

      The file extension for launch configuration prototype files (value "prototype").
      See Also:

      static final String ATTR_SOURCE_LOCATOR_ID
      Launch configuration attribute storing an identifier of a persistable source locator extension. When this attribute is specified, a new source locator will be created automatically and associated with the launch for this configuration.
      See Also:

      static final String ATTR_SOURCE_LOCATOR_MEMENTO
      Launch configuration attribute storing a memento of a source locator. When this attribute is specified in conjunction with a source locator id, the source locator created for a launch will be initialized with this memento. When not specified, but a source locator id is specified, the source locator will be initialized to default values.
      See Also:

      static final int UPDATE_NONE
      Flag indicating that only this configuration is to be modified by an operation. Any prototype children referring to this configuration will not be modified.
      See Also:

      static final int UPDATE_PROTOTYPE_CHILDREN
      Flag indicating that this prototype and any effected prototype children of this prototype should be updated when this prototype is modified.
      See Also:

      static final int CONFIGURATION
      Type constant (bit mask value 1) which identifies a launch configuration.
      See Also:

      static final int PROTOTYPE
      Type constant (bit mask value 2) which identifies a launch configuration prototype.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • contentsEqual

      boolean contentsEqual(ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
      Returns whether the contents of this launch configuration are equal to the contents of the given launch configuration.
      configuration - launch configuration
      whether the contents of this launch configuration are equal to the contents of the specified launch configuration.
    • copy

      Returns a copy of this launch configuration, as a working copy, with the specified name. The new working copy does not refer back to this configuration as its original launch configuration (the working copy will return null for getOriginal()). When the working copy is saved it will not affect this launch configuration.
      name - the name of the copy
      a copy of this launch configuration
      CoreException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
      • An exception occurs while initializing the contents of the working copy from this configuration's underlying storage.
      See Also:
    • delete

      void delete() throws CoreException
      Deletes this launch configuration. This configuration's underlying storage is deleted. Has no effect if this configuration does not exist.

      Equivalent to #delete(UPDATE_NONE)

      CoreException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
      • An exception occurs while deleting this configuration's underlying storage.
    • delete

      void delete(int flag) throws CoreException
      Deletes this launch configuration. This configuration's underlying storage is deleted. Has no effect if this configuration does not exist.

      When UPDATE_PROTOTYPE_CHILDREN is specified, back pointers to this prototype are cleared in any prototype children.

      CoreException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
      • An exception occurs while deleting this configuration's underlying storage or updating any prototype children.
    • exists

      boolean exists()
      Returns whether this launch configuration's underlying storage exists. This is a handle-only method.
      whether this launch configuration's underlying storage exists
    • getAttribute

      boolean getAttribute(String attributeName, boolean defaultValue) throws CoreException
      Returns the boolean-valued attribute with the given name. Returns the given default value if the attribute is undefined.
      attributeName - the name of the attribute
      defaultValue - the value to use if no value is found
      the value or the default value if no value was found.
      CoreException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
      • An exception occurs while retrieving the attribute from underlying storage.
      • An attribute with the given name exists, but does not have a boolean value
    • getAttribute

      int getAttribute(String attributeName, int defaultValue) throws CoreException
      Returns the integer-valued attribute with the given name. Returns the given default value if the attribute is undefined.
      attributeName - the name of the attribute
      defaultValue - the value to use if no value is found
      the value or the default value if no value was found.
      CoreException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
      • An exception occurs while retrieving the attribute from underlying storage.
      • An attribute with the given name exists, but does not have an integer value
    • getAttribute

      List<String> getAttribute(String attributeName, List<String> defaultValue) throws CoreException
      Returns the java.util.List-valued attribute with the given name. Returns the given default value if the attribute is undefined.
      attributeName - the name of the attribute
      defaultValue - the value to use if no value is found
      the value or the default value if no value was found.
      CoreException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
      • An exception occurs while retrieving the attribute from underlying storage.
      • An attribute with the given name exists, but does not have a List value
    • getAttribute

      Set<String> getAttribute(String attributeName, Set<String> defaultValue) throws CoreException
      Returns the java.util.Set-valued attribute with the given name. Returns the given default value if the attribute is undefined.
      attributeName - the name of the attribute
      defaultValue - the value to use if no value is found
      the value or the default value if no value was found.
      CoreException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
      • An exception occurs while retrieving the attribute from underlying storage.
      • An attribute with the given name exists, but does not have a List value
    • getAttribute

      Map<String,String> getAttribute(String attributeName, Map<String,String> defaultValue) throws CoreException
      Returns the java.util.Map-valued attribute with the given name. Returns the given default value if the attribute is undefined.
      attributeName - the name of the attribute
      defaultValue - the value to use if no value is found
      the value or the default value if no value was found.
      CoreException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
      • An exception occurs while retrieving the attribute from underlying storage.
      • An attribute with the given name exists, but does not have a Map value
    • getAttribute

      String getAttribute(String attributeName, String defaultValue) throws CoreException
      Returns the string-valued attribute with the given name. Returns the given default value if the attribute is undefined.
      attributeName - the name of the attribute
      defaultValue - the value to use if no value is found
      the value or the default value if no value was found.
      CoreException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
      • An exception occurs while retrieving the attribute from underlying storage.
      • An attribute with the given name exists, but does not have a String value
    • getAttributes

      Map<String,Object> getAttributes() throws CoreException
      Returns a map containing the attributes in this launch configuration. Returns an empty map if this configuration has no attributes.

      Modifying the map does not affect this launch configuration's attributes. A launch configuration is modified by obtaining a working copy of that launch configuration, modifying the working copy, and then saving the working copy.

      a map of attribute keys and values
      CoreException - unable to generate/retrieve an attribute map
    • getCategory

      String getCategory() throws CoreException
      Returns this launch configuration's type's category, or null if unspecified. This is a handle-only method.
      this launch configuration's type's category, or null
      CoreException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
      • Unable to retrieve or instantiate this launch configuration's type.
    • getFile

      IFile getFile()
      Returns the file this launch configuration is stored in, or null if this configuration is stored locally with the workspace. This is a handle-only method.
      the file this launch configuration is stored in, or null if this configuration is stored locally with the workspace
    • getLocation

      @Deprecated IPath getLocation()
      Since a launch configuration does not need to be stored in the local file system, this attribute should no longer be used to identify a launch configuration.
      Returns the location of this launch configuration as a path in the local file system or null if it cannot be mapped to a location in the local file system. This is a handle-only method.

      Since 3.5, this method can return null. For example, when a launch configuration is stored in the workspace as an IFile in an external file system (EFS).

      the location of this launch configuration as a path file system or null if it cannot be mapped to a location in the local file system. Since 3.5, this method can return null.
    • getMappedResources

      IResource[] getMappedResources() throws CoreException
      Returns the resources this launch configuration is associated with or null if none. Clients contributing launch configuration types are responsible for maintaining resource mappings as appropriate.
      the resources this launch configuration is associated with or null
      CoreException - unable to get the mapped resource
    • getMemento

      String getMemento() throws CoreException
      Returns a memento for this launch configuration, or null if unable to generate a memento for this configuration. A memento can be used to re-create a launch configuration, via the launch manager.
      a memento for this configuration
      CoreException - if an exception occurs generating this launch configuration's memento
      See Also:
    • getName

      String getName()
      Returns the name of this launch configuration. This is a handle-only method.
      the name of this launch configuration
    • getModes

      Set<String> getModes() throws CoreException
      Returns the launch modes that have been set on this configuration. An empty set is returned if no specific launch modes have been set on a launch configuration.

      Setting launch modes on a configuration allows a launch to be performed in mixed mode - for example, debug and profile at the same time.

      this configuration's launch modes, possibly an empty set
      CoreException - if an exception occurs retrieving modes
    • getPreferredDelegate

      ILaunchDelegate getPreferredDelegate(Set<String> modes) throws CoreException
      Returns the preferred launch delegate that has been set on this configuration or null if one is not specified.
      modes - mode set for which a preferred delegate has been requested
      this configuration's preferred launch delegate for the specified mode set, or null if one is not specified
      CoreException - if an exception occurs retrieving preferred delegate
    • getType

      Returns the type of this launch configuration. This is a handle-only method.
      the type of this launch configuration
      CoreException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
      • Unable to retrieve or instantiate this launch configuration's type.
      See Also:
    • getWorkingCopy

      Returns a working copy of this launch configuration. Since 3.3, if this method is called on a working copy, a nested working copy is created (a working copy of a working copy). Changes to the working copy will be applied to this launch configuration when saved, or to the parent working copy. The working copy will refer to this launch configuration as its original launch configuration, or the working copy it was created from.

      When a working copy (B) is created from a working copy (A), the newly created working copy (B) is initialized with the attributes from the first working copy (A). Whenever a working copy is saved, it is written back to the working copy from which it was created: in this example working copy B will write back to working copy A, and A will write back to the original launch configuration.

      a working copy of this launch configuration, or a nested working copy if called on an instance of ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy
      CoreException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
      • An exception occurs while initializing the contents of the working copy from this configuration's underlying storage.
      See Also:
    • hasAttribute

      boolean hasAttribute(String attributeName) throws CoreException
      Returns whether this configuration contains an attribute with the given name.
      attributeName - the name of the attribute
      true if this configuration has the specified attribute false otherwise
      CoreException - if unable to retrieve attributes
    • isLocal

      boolean isLocal()
      Returns whether this launch configuration is stored locally within the workspace. This is a handle-only method.
      whether this launch configuration is stored locally with the workspace
    • isMigrationCandidate

      boolean isMigrationCandidate() throws CoreException
      Returns whether this launch configuration is a candidate for migration.
      whether this launch configuration is a candidate for migration
      CoreException - if a problem is encountered
      See Also:
    • isWorkingCopy

      boolean isWorkingCopy()
      Returns whether this launch configuration is a working copy. Launch configurations which return true to this method can be safely cast to org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy. This is a handle-only method.
      whether this launch configuration is a working copy
    • launch

      ILaunch launch(String mode, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException
      Launches this configuration in the specified mode by delegating to this configuration's launch configuration delegate, and returns the resulting launch.

      Equivalent to calling launch(String, IProgressMontitor, boolean) with a build flag of false.

      mode - the mode in which to launch, one of the mode constants defined by ILaunchManager - RUN_MODE or DEBUG_MODE.
      monitor - progress monitor, or null. A cancelable progress monitor is provided by the Job framework. It should be noted that the setCanceled(boolean) method should never be called on the provided monitor or the monitor passed to any delegates from this method; due to a limitation in the progress monitor framework using the setCanceled method can cause entire workspace batch jobs to be canceled, as the canceled flag is propagated up the top-level parent monitor. The provided monitor is not guaranteed to have been started.
      the resulting launch
      CoreException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
      • unable to instantiate the underlying launch configuration delegate
      • the launch fails (in the delegate)
    • launch

      ILaunch launch(String mode, IProgressMonitor monitor, boolean build) throws CoreException
      Launches this configuration in the specified mode by delegating to this configuration's launch configuration delegate, and returns the resulting launch.

      If this configuration's launch delegate implements ILaunchConfigurationDelegate2, the launch delegate will be consulted to provide a launch object for the launch, perform pre-launch checks, and build before the launch. If build is true and the associated launch delegate does not implement ILaunchConfigurationDelegate2 an incremental workspace build will be performed before the launch by the debug platform.

      The resulting launch object is registered with the launch manager before passing it to this configuration's delegate launch method, for contributions (debug targets and processes).

      If the delegate contributes a source locator to the launch, that source locator is used. Otherwise an appropriate source locator is contributed to the launch based on the values of ATTR_SOURCE_LOCATOR_ID and ATTR_SOURCE_LOCATOR_MEMENTO. If the launch is canceled (via the given progress monitor), the launch is removed from the launch manager. The launch is returned whether canceled or not. Invoking this method causes the underlying launch configuration delegate to be instantiated (if not already).

      mode - the mode in which to launch, one of the mode constants defined by ILaunchManager - RUN_MODE or DEBUG_MODE.
      monitor - progress monitor, or null. A cancelable progress monitor is provided by the Job framework. It should be noted that the setCanceled(boolean) method should never be called on the provided monitor or the monitor passed to any delegates from this method; due to a limitation in the progress monitor framework using the setCanceled method can cause entire workspace batch jobs to be canceled, as the canceled flag is propagated up the top-level parent monitor. The provided monitor is not guaranteed to have been started.
      build - whether the workspace should be built before the launch
      resulting launch
      CoreException - if an exception occurs during the launch sequence
    • launch

      ILaunch launch(String mode, IProgressMonitor monitor, boolean build, boolean register) throws CoreException
      Launches this configuration in the specified mode by delegating to this configuration's launch configuration delegate, and returns the resulting launch.

      If this configuration's launch delegate implements ILaunchConfigurationDelegate2, the launch delegate will be consulted to provide a launch object for the launch, perform pre-launch checks, and build before the launch. If build is true and the associated launch delegate does not implement ILaunchConfigurationDelegate2 an incremental workspace build will be performed before the launch by the debug platform.

      When register is true, the resulting launch object is registered with the launch manager before passing it to this configuration's delegate launch method, for contributions (debug targets and processes). When register is false, the launch is not registered with the launch manager. Clients that launch configurations without registering a launch should register appropriate debug event filters to intercept events from unregistered launches.

      If the delegate contributes a source locator to the launch, that source locator is used. Otherwise an appropriate source locator is contributed to the launch based on the values of ATTR_SOURCE_LOCATOR_ID and ATTR_SOURCE_LOCATOR_MEMENTO. If the launch is canceled (via the given progress monitor), the launch is removed from the launch manager. The launch is returned whether canceled or not. Invoking this method causes the underlying launch configuration delegate to be instantiated (if not already).

      mode - the mode in which to launch, one of the mode constants defined by ILaunchManager - RUN_MODE or DEBUG_MODE.
      monitor - progress monitor, or null. A cancelable progress monitor is provided by the Job framework. It should be noted that the setCanceled(boolean) method should never be called on the provided monitor or the monitor passed to any delegates from this method; due to a limitation in the progress monitor framework using the setCanceled method can cause entire workspace batch jobs to be canceled, as the canceled flag is propagated up the top-level parent monitor. The provided monitor is not guaranteed to have been started.
      build - whether the workspace should be built before the launch
      register - whether to register the resulting launch with the launch manager
      resulting launch
      CoreException - if an exception occurs during the launch sequence
    • migrate

      void migrate() throws CoreException
      Migrates this launch configuration to be compatible with current tooling. Has no effect if this configuration is not a candidate for migration. Migration is performed by a launch configuration migration delegate.
      CoreException - if migration fails
      See Also:
    • supportsMode

      boolean supportsMode(String mode) throws CoreException
      Returns whether this launch configuration supports the specified mode. This is a handle-only method.
      mode - a mode in which a configuration can be launched, one of the mode constants defined by ILaunchManager - RUN_MODE or DEBUG_MODE.
      whether this launch configuration supports the specified mode
      CoreException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
      • Unable to retrieve this launch configuration's type.
    • isReadOnly

      boolean isReadOnly()
      Returns whether this launch configuration is read-only. A read-only configuration cannot be modified.
      whether this configuration is read-only
    • getPrototype

      ILaunchConfiguration getPrototype() throws CoreException
      Returns the prototype this launch configuration was created from or null if none.
      the prototype this launch configuration was created from or null if none
      CoreException - if the prototype could not be retrieved or no longer exists
    • isAttributeModified

      boolean isAttributeModified(String attribute) throws CoreException
      Check if the given attribute has the same value than the one from its prototype.
      attribute - the attribute to check
      true if the attribute is modified, false otherwise.
      CoreException - if an exception occurs while checking
    • isPrototype

      boolean isPrototype()
      Returns whether this configuration is a prototype.
      whether this configuration is a prototype
    • getPrototypeChildren

      Collection<ILaunchConfiguration> getPrototypeChildren() throws CoreException
      Returns all configurations made from this prototype, possibly an empty collection.
      all configurations made from this prototype
      CoreException - if unable to retrieve this prototype's children
    • getKind

      int getKind() throws CoreException
      Returns this configuration's kind. One of CONFIGURATION or PROTOTYPE.
      this configuration's kind
      CoreException - if unable to retrieve this configuration's kind
      See Also:
    • getPrototypeVisibleAttributes

      Set<String> getPrototypeVisibleAttributes() throws CoreException
      Get the visible attributes of this prototype (return null if the launch configuration is not a prototype).
      the visible attributes of this prototype (return null if the launch configuration is not a prototype).
      CoreException - if unable to retrieve this prototype's visible attribute set.
    • setPrototypeAttributeVisibility

      void setPrototypeAttributeVisibility(String attribute, boolean visible) throws CoreException
      Set the visibility of the given prototype's attribute.
      attribute - the attribute to set
      visible - the visibility
      CoreException - if unable to set this prototype's attribute visibility