Package org.eclipse.core.runtime

package org.eclipse.core.runtime
Provides support for the runtime platform, core utility methods and the extension registry.

Package Specification

This package contains three components:
  • APIs related to the runtime platform itself (provided by the org.eclipse.core.runtime plug-in)
  • Various utility types such as Path, IPath and various flavours of progress monitors (provided by the org.eclipse.equinox.common plug-in)
  • Extension registry mechanism (provided by the org.eclipse.equinox.registry plug-in)
  • Class
    Provides a standard way to request adapters from adaptable objects
    Assert is useful for for embedding runtime sanity checks in code.
    AssertionFailedException is a runtime exception thrown by some of the methods in Assert.
    The contributor factory creates new registry contributors for use in OSGi-based registries.
    The contributor factory creates new registry contributors for use in a simple registry based on the String representation of the determining object.
    A checked exception representing a failure.
    This class contains a collection of helper methods for finding files in bundles.
    An interface for an adaptable object.
    An adapter factory defines behavioral extensions for one or more classes that implements the IAdaptable interface.
    An adapter manager maintains a registry of adapter factories.
    Bundle groups represent a logical collection of plug-ins (aka bundles).
    Bundle group providers define groups of plug-ins which have been installed in the current system.
    A configuration element, with its attributes and children, directly reflects the content and structure of the extension section within the declaring plug-in's manifest (plugin.xml) file.
    This interface describes a registry contributor - an entity that supplies information to the extension registry.
    A functional interface for a runnable that can be cancelled and can report progress using the progress monitor passed to the method.
    Interface for executable extension classes that require access to their configuration element, or implement an extension adapter.
    This interface allows extension providers to control how the instances provided to extension-points are being created by referring to the factory instead of referring to a class.
    An extension declared in a plug-in.
    An extension delta represents changes to the extension registry.
    An extension point declared in a plug-in.
    The extension registry holds the master list of all discovered namespaces, extension points and extensions.
    A log to which status events can be written.
    A log listener is notified of entries added to a plug-in's log.
    An unchecked exception indicating that an attempt to access an extension registry object that is no longer valid.
    A path is an ordered collection of string segments, separated by a standard separator character, "/".
    Products are the Eclipse unit of branding.
    Product providers define products (units of branding) which have been installed in the current system.
    The IProgressMonitor interface is implemented by objects that monitor the progress of an activity; the methods in this interface are invoked by code that performs the activity.
    Registry change events describe changes to the extension registry.
    Note: for new implementations consider using IRegistryEventListener.
    A registry event listener is notified of changes to extension points.
    Safe runnables represent blocks of code and associated exception handlers.
    Safe runnables represent blocks of code and associated exception handlers.
    A status object represents the outcome of an operation.
    This class is a thread safe list that is designed for storing lists of listeners.
    A concrete multi-status implementation, suitable either for instantiating or subclassing.
    A default progress monitor implementation suitable for subclassing.
    This exception is thrown to blow out of a long-running method when the user cancels it.
    The standard implementation of the IPath interface.
    PerformanceStats collects and aggregates timing data about events such as a builder running, an editor opening, etc.
    A performance listener is periodically notified after performance events occur or after events fail.
    The central class of the Eclipse Platform Runtime.
    An abstract superclass implementing the IAdaptable interface.
    The abstract superclass of all plug-in runtime class implementations.
    clients should use Version instead
    This class is replaced by IEclipsePreferences.
    Listener for property changes.
    An event object describing a change to a named property.
    An abstract wrapper around a progress monitor which, unless overridden, forwards IProgressMonitor and IProgressMonitorWithBlocking methods to the wrapped progress monitor.
    Qualified names are two-part names: qualifier and local name.
    Use this class to create or obtain an extension registry.
    Runs the given ISafeRunnable in a protected mode: exceptions and certain errors thrown in the runnable are logged and passed to the runnable's exception handler.
    ServiceCaller provides functional methods for invoking OSGi services in two different ways Single invocations which happen only once or very rarely.
    default implementation of a SlicedProgressMonitor that synchronizes on the given monitor to report work
    A concrete status implementation, suitable either for instantiating or subclassing.
    A progress monitor that uses a given amount of work ticks from a parent monitor.
    use SubMonitor instead
    A utility class for manipulating URIs.