Interface IStackFrame

All Superinterfaces:
IAdaptable, IDebugElement, IStep, ISuspendResume, ITerminate

public interface IStackFrame extends IDebugElement, IStep, ISuspendResume, ITerminate
A stack frame represents an execution context in a suspended thread. A stack frame contains variables representing visible locals and arguments at the current execution location. Minimally, a stack frame supports the following:
  • suspend/resume (convenience to resume this stack frame's thread)
  • stepping
  • termination (convenience to terminate this stack frame's thread or debug target)

A debug model implementation may choose to re-use or discard stack frames on iterative thread suspensions. Clients cannot assume that stack frames are identical or equal across iterative thread suspensions and must check for equality on iterative suspensions if they wish to re-use the objects.

A debug model implementation that preserves equality across iterative suspensions may display more desirable behavior in some clients. For example, if stack frames are preserved while stepping, a UI client would be able to update the UI incrementally, rather than collapse and redraw the entire list.

Clients may implement this interface.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getThread

      IThread getThread()
      Returns the thread this stack frame is contained in.
    • getVariables

      IVariable[] getVariables() throws DebugException
      Returns the visible variables in this stack frame. An empty collection is returned if there are no visible variables.
      collection of visible variables
      DebugException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
      • Failure communicating with the debug target. The DebugException's status code contains the underlying exception responsible for the failure.
    • hasVariables

      boolean hasVariables() throws DebugException
      Returns whether this stack frame currently contains any visible variables.
      whether this stack frame currently contains any visible variables
      DebugException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
      • Failure communicating with the debug target. The DebugException's status code contains the underlying exception responsible for the failure.
    • getLineNumber

      int getLineNumber() throws DebugException
      Returns the line number of the instruction pointer in this stack frame that corresponds to a line in an associated source element, or -1 if line number information is unavailable.
      line number of instruction pointer in this stack frame, or -1 if line number information is unavailable
      DebugException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
      • Failure communicating with the debug target. The DebugException's status code contains the underlying exception responsible for the failure.
    • getCharStart

      int getCharStart() throws DebugException
      Returns the index of the first character in the associated source element that corresponds to the current location of the instruction pointer in this stack frame, or -1 if the information is unavailable.

      If a debug model supports expression level stepping, the start/end character ranges are used to highlight the expression within a line that is being executed.

      index of the first character in the associated source element that corresponds to the current location of the instruction pointer in this stack frame, or -1 if the information is unavailable
      DebugException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
      • Failure communicating with the debug target. The DebugException's status code contains the underlying exception responsible for the failure.
    • getCharEnd

      int getCharEnd() throws DebugException
      Returns the index of the last character in the associated source element that corresponds to the current location of the instruction pointer in this stack frame, or -1 if the information is unavailable.

      If a debug model supports expression level stepping, the start/end character ranges are used to highlight the expression within a line that is being executed.

      index of the last character in the associated source element that corresponds to the current location of the instruction pointer in this stack frame, or -1 if the information is unavailable
      DebugException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
      • Failure communicating with the debug target. The DebugException's status code contains the underlying exception responsible for the failure.
    • getName

      String getName() throws DebugException
      Returns the name of this stack frame. Name format is debug model specific, and should be specified by a debug model.
      this frame's name
      DebugException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
      • Failure communicating with the debug target. The DebugException's status code contains the underlying exception responsible for the failure.
    • getRegisterGroups

      IRegisterGroup[] getRegisterGroups() throws DebugException
      Returns the register groups assigned to this stack frame, or an empty collection if no register groups are assigned to this stack frame.
      the register groups assigned to this stack frame or an empty collection if no register groups are assigned to this stack frame
      DebugException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
      • Failure communicating with the debug target. The DebugException's status code contains the underlying exception responsible for the failure.
    • hasRegisterGroups

      boolean hasRegisterGroups() throws DebugException
      Returns whether this stack frame contains any register groups.
      whether this stack frame contains any visible register groups
      DebugException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
      • Failure communicating with the debug target. The DebugException's status code contains the underlying exception responsible for the failure.