Uses of Interface
Provides a set of actions related to running and debugging applications.
Provides a set of interfaces and classes for debug context management.
Provides an implementation of IWorkbenchWindowActionDelegate
for opening a URL in a browser.
Application programming interface to actions related to the refactoring history.
Classes and interface required to contribute search dialog pages and search result view pages.
Application programming interfaces for interaction
with and extension of the Eclipse Platform User Interface.
Classes for actions and operations used in a workbench
window, page, or part in the Eclipse Platform User Interface.
Application-level APIs for configuring and controling the Eclipse Platform User
Provides a standard text editor and concrete document providers based
and others directly handling IFile
as editor input.Provides support for integrating handlers into the Eclipse workbench.
Application programming interfaces for interaction
with and extension of the product introduction parts.
Provides the public API and default implementation for contributing menu
and toolbars to the menu service.
Provides the Common Navigator framework.
Classes for the creation of workbench parts that integrate
with the Eclipse Platform User Interface.
Provides a framework for text editors obeying to the
desktop rules.
Provides the standard wizards for creating files,
folders, and projects in the workspace.
Uses of IWorkbenchWindow in org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(IWorkbenchWindow window) void
(IWorkbenchWindow window) Initializes this action for a workbench window.void
(IWorkbenchWindow window) Deprecated.void
(IWorkbenchWindow window) void
(IWorkbenchWindow window) void
(IWorkbenchWindow window) -
Uses of IWorkbenchWindow in org.eclipse.debug.ui.contexts
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionIDebugContextManager.getContextService
(IWorkbenchWindow window) Returns the debug context service for the specified window. -
Uses of IWorkbenchWindow in
Uses of IWorkbenchWindow in org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.actions
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(IWorkbenchWindow window) void
(IWorkbenchWindow window) void
(IWorkbenchWindow window) -
Uses of IWorkbenchWindow in
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic void
(IWorkbenchWindow window, String pageId) Opens the search dialog.static void
(IWorkbenchWindow window, String pageId) Deprecated. -
Uses of IWorkbenchWindow in org.eclipse.ui
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionIWorkbench.getActiveWorkbenchWindow()
Returns the currently active window for this workbench (if any).IWorkbenchPage.getWorkbenchWindow()
Returns the workbench window of this page.IWorkbenchSite.getWorkbenchWindow()
Returns the workbench window containing this workbench site.IWorkbench.getWorkbenchWindows()
Returns a list of the open main windows associated with this workbench.IWorkbench.openWorkbenchWindow
(String perspectiveId, IAdaptable input) Creates and opens a new workbench window with one page.IWorkbench.openWorkbenchWindow
(IAdaptable input) Creates and opens a new workbench window with one page.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(IWorkbenchWindow window) Initializes this action delegate with the workbench window it will work in.IWorkbench.showPerspective
(String perspectiveId, IWorkbenchWindow window) Shows the specified perspective to the user.IWorkbench.showPerspective
(String perspectiveId, IWorkbenchWindow window, IAdaptable input) Shows the specified perspective to the user.void
(IWorkbenchWindow window) Notifies this listener that the given window has been activated.void
(IWorkbenchWindow window) Notifies this listener that the given window has been closed.void
(IWorkbenchWindow window) Notifies this listener that the given window has been deactivated.void
(IWorkbenchWindow window) Notifies this listener that the given window has been opened. -
Uses of IWorkbenchWindow in org.eclipse.ui.actions
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected IWorkbenchWindow
Returns the window in which this menu appears.protected IWorkbenchWindow
Returns the window for this menu.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionabstract ActionFactory.IWorkbenchAction
(IWorkbenchWindow window) Creates a new standard action for the given workbench window.abstract IContributionItem
(IWorkbenchWindow window) Creates a new standard contribution item for the given workbench window.ModifierConstructorDescriptionBaseNewWizardMenu
(IWorkbenchWindow window, String id) Creates a new wizard shortcut menu for the IDE.Create a new instance of this class.ExportResourcesAction
(IWorkbenchWindow window, String label) Create a new instance of this class.GlobalBuildAction
(IWorkbenchWindow window, int type) Creates a new action of the appropriate type.Create a new instance of this class.NewExampleAction
(IWorkbenchWindow window) Creates a new action for launching the new project selection wizard.NewProjectAction
(IWorkbenchWindow window) Creates a new action for launching the new project selection wizard.NewWizardAction
(IWorkbenchWindow window) Create a new instance of this class.Create a newNewWizardDropDownAction
, with the default action for opening the new wizard dialog, and the default contribution item for populating the drop-down menu.NewWizardDropDownAction
(IWorkbenchWindow window, ActionFactory.IWorkbenchAction showDlgAction, IContributionItem newWizardMenu) Create a newNewWizardDropDownAction
(IMenuManager innerMgr, IWorkbenchWindow window, boolean register) Deprecated.use NewWizardMenu(IWorkbenchWindow) insteadNewWizardMenu
(IWorkbenchWindow window) Creates a new wizard shortcut menu for the IDE.NewWizardMenu
(IWorkbenchWindow window, String id) Creates a new wizard shortcut menu for the IDE.Creates a newOpenInNewWindowAction
(IWorkbenchWindow window, IAdaptable input) Creates a newOpenInNewWindowAction
(IWorkbenchWindow window) Deprecated.Constructs a new instance ofOpenNewPageMenu
(IWorkbenchWindow window, IAdaptable input) Deprecated.Constructs a new instance ofOpenNewPageMenu
(IWorkbenchWindow window) Deprecated.Constructs a new instance ofOpenNewPageMenu
(IWorkbenchWindow window, IAdaptable input) Deprecated.Constructs a new instance ofOpenNewPageMenu
(IWorkbenchWindow window, IPerspectiveDescriptor descriptor, PerspectiveMenu callback) Constructs a new instance ofOpenPerspectiveAction
(IMenuManager menuManager, IWorkbenchWindow window) Deprecated.Constructs a new menu.OpenPerspectiveMenu
(IWorkbenchWindow window) Deprecated.Constructs a new instance ofOpenNewPageMenu
(IWorkbenchWindow window, IAdaptable input) Deprecated.Constructs a new instance ofOpenNewPageMenu
(IWorkbenchWindow window, String id) Constructs a new instance ofPerspectiveMenu
(IWorkbenchWindow window) Deprecated.Creates an instance of this action, for use in the given window. -
Uses of IWorkbenchWindow in org.eclipse.ui.application
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionIWorkbenchWindowConfigurer.getWindow()
Returns the underlying workbench window.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(IWorkbenchWindow window, IActionBarConfigurer configurer, int flags) Deprecated.since 3.1, overrideActionBarAdvisor.fillActionBars(int)
(IWorkbenchWindow window) Returns an object that can be used to configure the given window.protected void
(IWorkbenchWindow window) Instantiates the actions used in the fill methods. -
Uses of IWorkbenchWindow in org.eclipse.ui.databinding.typed
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <S extends IWorkbench>
IValueProperty<S,IWorkbenchWindow> WorkbenchProperties.activeWindow()
Returns a property for observing the active window of a workbench. -
Uses of IWorkbenchWindow in org.eclipse.ui.editors.text
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected final IWorkbenchWindow
protected final IWorkbenchWindow
Returns the active workbench window. -
Uses of IWorkbenchWindow in org.eclipse.ui.handlers
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic IWorkbenchWindow
(ExecutionEvent event) Return the active workbench window.static IWorkbenchWindow
(ExecutionEvent event) Return the active workbench window. -
Uses of IWorkbenchWindow in org.eclipse.ui.intro
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionIIntroManager.showIntro
(IWorkbenchWindow preferredWindow, boolean standby) Shows the intro part in the given workbench window. -
Uses of IWorkbenchWindow in org.eclipse.ui.part
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionMultiPageEditorSite.getWorkbenchWindow()
implementation of thisIWorkbenchPartSite
method forwards to the multi-page editor to return the workbench window.PageSite.getWorkbenchWindow()
Uses of IWorkbenchWindow in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(IWorkbenchWindow window) void
(IWorkbenchWindow window) protected final void
(IWorkbenchWindow window, IEditorSite site, IEditorInput input) Implements theinit
method ofIEditorPart
(ResourceBundle bundle, String prefix, IWorkbenchWindow workbenchWindow, boolean forward) Deprecated.use FindReplaceAction(ResourceBundle, String, IWorkbenchPart, boolean) insteadFindReplaceAction
(ResourceBundle bundle, String prefix, IWorkbenchWindow workbenchWindow) Deprecated.use FindReplaceAction(ResourceBundle, String, IWorkbenchPart) insteadIncrementalFindAction
(ResourceBundle bundle, String prefix, IWorkbenchWindow workbenchWindow, boolean forward) Deprecated.use FindReplaceAction(ResourceBundle, String, IWorkbenchPart, boolean) instead -
Uses of IWorkbenchWindow in org.eclipse.ui.wizards.newresource
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic void
(IResource resource, IWorkbenchWindow window) Attempts to select and reveal the specified resource in all parts within the supplied workbench window's active page.
NewSearchUI.openSearchDialog(IWorkbenchWindow, String)