Package org.eclipse.ui.handlers

package org.eclipse.ui.handlers

Provides support for integrating handlers into the Eclipse workbench.

Package Specification

This package provides the classes required to integrate handlers into the Eclipse workbench.

To use the handler integration, the method getAdapter is called on the Eclipse workbench, with the argument IHandlerService.class. This will return an instance of IHandlerService.

  • Class
    Collapse a tree viewer.
    Expand a tree viewer.
    Some common utilities for working with handlers in Platform UI.
    A token representing the activation of a handler.
    Provides services related to activating and deactivating handlers within the workbench.
    This state supports a radio-button like command, where the value of the parameterized command is stored as state.
    A radio state that can be read from the registry.
    A toggle state that can be read from the registry.
    Shows the given perspective.
    Shows the given view.