Uses of Class

Packages that use Device
Provides support for managing resources such as SWT fonts and images.
SWT graphics classes.
SWT Printing support classes.
SWT widget public API classes.
  • Uses of Device in org.eclipse.jface.resource

    Methods in org.eclipse.jface.resource that return Device
    Modifier and Type
    abstract Device
    Returns the Device for which this ResourceManager will create resources
    Methods in org.eclipse.jface.resource with parameters of type Device
    Modifier and Type
    abstract Color
    ColorDescriptor.createColor(Device device)
    Returns the Color described by this descriptor.
    abstract Font
    FontDescriptor.createFont(Device device)
    Creates the Font described by this descriptor.
    ColorDescriptor.createFrom(Color toCreate, Device originalDevice)
    FontDescriptor.createFrom(Font font, Device originalDevice)
    ImageDescriptor.createFromImage(Image img, Device theDevice)
    ImageDescriptor.createImage(boolean returnMissingImageOnError, Device device)
    Creates and returns a new SWT image for this image descriptor.
    ImageDescriptor.createImage(Device device)
    Creates and returns a new SWT image for this image descriptor.
    final Object
    ColorDescriptor.createResource(Device device)
    abstract Object
    DeviceResourceDescriptor.createResource(Device device)
    Creates the resource described by this descriptor
    final Object
    FontDescriptor.createResource(Device device)
    ImageDescriptor.createResource(Device device)
    Constructors in org.eclipse.jface.resource with parameters of type Device
    Creates a new registry for the given device.
  • Uses of Device in

    Fields in declared as Device
    Modifier and Type
    protected static Device
    Methods in that return Device
    Modifier and Type
    Returns the Device where this resource was created.
    Returns the Device where this resource was created.
    Methods in with parameters of type Device
    Modifier and Type
    static Color
    Color.win32_new(Device device, int handle)
    Invokes platform specific functionality to allocate a new color.
    static Color
    Color.win32_new(Device device, int handle, int alpha)
    Invokes platform specific functionality to allocate a new color.
    static Cursor
    Cursor.win32_new(Device device, int handle)
    Invokes platform specific functionality to allocate a new cursor.
    static Font
    Font.win32_new(Device device, long handle)
    Invokes platform specific functionality to allocate a new font.
    static Image
    Image.win32_new(Device device, int type, long handle)
    Invokes platform specific functionality to allocate a new image.
    static Region
    Region.win32_new(Device device, int handle)
    Invokes platform specific functionality to allocate a new region.
    Constructors in with parameters of type Device
    Color(Device device, int red, int green, int blue)
    Constructs a new instance of this class given a device and the desired red, green and blue values expressed as ints in the range 0 to 255 (where 0 is black and 255 is full brightness).
    Color(Device device, int red, int green, int blue, int alpha)
    Constructs a new instance of this class given a device and the desired red, green, blue & alpha values expressed as ints in the range 0 to 255 (where 0 is black and 255 is full brightness).
    Color(Device device, RGB rgb)
    Constructs a new instance of this class given a device and an RGB describing the desired red, green and blue values.
    Color(Device device, RGBA rgba)
    Constructs a new instance of this class given a device and an RGBA describing the desired red, green, blue & alpha values.
    Color(Device device, RGB rgb, int alpha)
    Constructs a new instance of this class given a device, an RGB describing the desired red, green and blue values, alpha specifying the level of transparency.
    Cursor(Device device, int style)
    Constructs a new cursor given a device and a style constant describing the desired cursor appearance.
    Cursor(Device device, ImageData source, int hotspotX, int hotspotY)
    Constructs a new cursor given a device, image data describing the desired cursor appearance, and the x and y coordinates of the hotspot (that is, the point within the area covered by the cursor which is considered to be where the on-screen pointer is "pointing").
    Cursor(Device device, ImageData source, ImageData mask, int hotspotX, int hotspotY)
    Constructs a new cursor given a device, image and mask data describing the desired cursor appearance, and the x and y coordinates of the hotspot (that is, the point within the area covered by the cursor which is considered to be where the on-screen pointer is "pointing").
    Font(Device device, String name, int height, int style)
    Constructs a new font given a device, a font name, the height of the desired font in points, and a font style.
    Font(Device device, FontData fd)
    Constructs a new font given a device and font data which describes the desired font's appearance.
    Font(Device device, FontData[] fds)
    Constructs a new font given a device and an array of font data which describes the desired font's appearance.
    Image(Device device, int width, int height)
    Constructs an empty instance of this class with the specified width and height.
    Image(Device device, InputStream stream)
    Constructs an instance of this class by loading its representation from the specified input stream.
    Image(Device device, String filename)
    Constructs an instance of this class by loading its representation from the file with the specified name.
    Image(Device device, ImageData data)
    Constructs an instance of this class from the given ImageData.
    Image(Device device, ImageDataProvider imageDataProvider)
    Constructs an instance of this class by loading its representation from the ImageData retrieved from the ImageDataProvider.
    Image(Device device, ImageData source, ImageData mask)
    Constructs an instance of this class, whose type is SWT.ICON, from the two given ImageData objects.
    Image(Device device, ImageFileNameProvider imageFileNameProvider)
    Constructs an instance of this class by loading its representation from the file retrieved from the ImageFileNameProvider.
    Image(Device device, Image srcImage, int flag)
    Constructs a new instance of this class based on the provided image, with an appearance that varies depending on the value of the flag.
    Image(Device device, Rectangle bounds)
    Constructs an empty instance of this class with the width and height of the specified rectangle.
    Path(Device device)
    Constructs a new empty Path.
    Path(Device device, PathData data)
    Constructs a new Path with the specified PathData.
    Path(Device device, Path path, float flatness)
    Constructs a new Path that is a copy of path.
    Pattern(Device device, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, Color color1, int alpha1, Color color2, int alpha2)
    Constructs a new Pattern that represents a linear, two color gradient.
    Pattern(Device device, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, Color color1, Color color2)
    Constructs a new Pattern that represents a linear, two color gradient.
    Pattern(Device device, Image image)
    Constructs a new Pattern given an image.
    Region(Device device)
    Constructs a new empty region.
    Constructs a new instance of this class on the given device.
    Transform(Device device)
    Constructs a new identity Transform.
    Transform(Device device, float[] elements)
    Constructs a new Transform given an array of elements that represent the matrix that describes the transformation.
    Transform(Device device, float m11, float m12, float m21, float m22, float dx, float dy)
    Constructs a new Transform given all of the elements that represent the matrix that describes the transformation.
  • Uses of Device in org.eclipse.swt.printing

    Modifier and Type
    final class 
    Instances of this class are used to print to a printer.
  • Uses of Device in org.eclipse.swt.widgets

    Modifier and Type
    Instances of this class are responsible for managing the connection between SWT and the underlying operating system.