Class AbstractHandlerWithState

All Implemented Interfaces:
IHandler, IHandler2, IObjectWithState, IStateListener

public abstract class AbstractHandlerWithState extends AbstractHandler implements IObjectWithState, IStateListener

An abstract implementation of IObjectWithState. This provides basic handling for adding and remove state. When state is added, the handler attaches itself as a listener and fire a handleStateChange event to notify this handler. When state is removed, the handler removes itself as a listener.

Clients may extend this class.

  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractHandlerWithState

      public AbstractHandlerWithState()
  • Method Details

    • addState

      public void addState(String stateId, State state)

      Adds a state to this handler. This will add this handler as a listener to the state, and then fire a handleStateChange so that the handler can respond to the incoming state.

      Clients may extend this method, but they should call this super method first before doing anything else.

      Specified by:
      addState in interface IObjectWithState
      stateId - The identifier indicating the type of state being added; must not be null.
      state - The state to add; must not be null.
    • getState

      public final State getState(String stateId)
      Description copied from interface: IObjectWithState
      Gets the state with the given id.
      Specified by:
      getState in interface IObjectWithState
      stateId - The identifier of the state to retrieve; must not be null.
      The state; may be null if there is no state with the given id.
    • getStateIds

      public final String[] getStateIds()
      Description copied from interface: IObjectWithState
      Gets the identifiers for all of the state associated with this object.
      Specified by:
      getStateIds in interface IObjectWithState
      All of the state identifiers; may be empty, but never null.
    • removeState

      public void removeState(String stateId)

      Removes a state from this handler. This will remove this handler as a listener to the state. No event is fired to notify the handler of this change.

      Clients may extend this method, but they should call this super method first before doing anything else.

      Specified by:
      removeState in interface IObjectWithState
      stateId - The identifier of the state to remove; must not be null.