Class IOConsole

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class IOConsole extends TextConsole
A console that displays text from I/O streams. An I/O console can have multiple output streams connected to it and provides one input stream connected to the keyboard.

Clients may instantiate and subclass this class.

  • Constructor Details

    • IOConsole

      public IOConsole(String name, String consoleType, ImageDescriptor imageDescriptor, boolean autoLifecycle)
      Constructs a console with the given name, type, image, and lifecycle, with the workbench's default encoding.
      name - name to display for this console
      consoleType - console type identifier or null
      imageDescriptor - image to display for this console or null
      autoLifecycle - whether lifecycle methods should be called automatically when this console is added/removed from the console manager
    • IOConsole

      public IOConsole(String name, String consoleType, ImageDescriptor imageDescriptor, String encoding, boolean autoLifecycle)
      Constructs a console with the given name, type, image, encoding and lifecycle.
      name - name to display for this console
      consoleType - console type identifier or null
      imageDescriptor - image to display for this console or null
      encoding - the encoding that should be used to render the text, or null if the system default encoding should be used
      autoLifecycle - whether lifecycle methods should be called automatically when this console is added/removed from the console manager
    • IOConsole

      public IOConsole(String name, String consoleType, ImageDescriptor imageDescriptor, Charset charset, boolean autoLifecycle)
      Constructs a console with the given name, type, image, encoding and lifecycle.
      name - name to display for this console
      consoleType - console type identifier or null
      imageDescriptor - image to display for this console or null
      charset - the encoding that should be used to render the text, must not be null
      autoLifecycle - whether lifecycle methods should be called automatically when this console is added/removed from the console manager
    • IOConsole

      public IOConsole(String name, String consoleType, ImageDescriptor imageDescriptor)
      Constructs a console with the given name, type, and image with the workbench's default encoding. Lifecycle methods will be called when this console is added/removed from the console manager.
      name - name to display for this console
      consoleType - console type identifier or null
      imageDescriptor - image to display for this console or null
    • IOConsole

      public IOConsole(String name, ImageDescriptor imageDescriptor)
      Constructs a console with the given name and image. Lifecycle methods will be called when this console is added/removed from the console manager. This console will have an unspecified (null) type.
      name - name to display for this console
      imageDescriptor - image to display for this console or null
  • Method Details

    • createPage

      public IPageBookViewPage createPage(IConsoleView view)
      Description copied from interface: IConsole
      Creates and returns a new page for this console. The page is displayed for this console in the console given view.
      Specified by:
      createPage in interface IConsole
      createPage in class TextConsole
      view - the view in which the page is to be created
      a page book view page representation of this console
    • newOutputStream

      public IOConsoleOutputStream newOutputStream()
      Creates and returns a new output stream which may be used to write to this console. A console may be connected to more than one output stream at once. Clients are responsible for closing any output streams created on this console.

      Clients should avoid writing large amounts of output to this stream in the UI thread. The console needs to process the output in the UI thread and if the client hogs the UI thread writing output to the console, the console will not be able to process the output.

      a new output stream connected to this console
    • getInputStream

      public IOConsoleInputStream getInputStream()
      Returns the input stream connected to the keyboard.

      Note: It returns the stream connected to keyboard. There is no guarantee to get the stream last set with setInputStream(InputStream). The return value might be null if the current input stream is not connected to the keyboard.

      the input stream connected to the keyboard.
    • setInputStream

      public void setInputStream(InputStream inputStream)
      Sets the new input stream.
      inputStream - the input stream
    • getPartitioner

      protected IConsoleDocumentPartitioner getPartitioner()
      Returns this console's document partitioner.
      Specified by:
      getPartitioner in class TextConsole
      this console's document partitioner
    • getHighWaterMark

      public int getHighWaterMark()
      Returns the maximum number of characters that the console will display at once. This is analogous to the size of the text buffer this console maintains.
      the maximum number of characters that the console will display
    • getLowWaterMark

      public int getLowWaterMark()
      Returns the number of characters that will remain in this console when its high water mark is exceeded.
      the number of characters that will remain in this console when its high water mark is exceeded
    • setWaterMarks

      public void setWaterMarks(int low, int high)
      Sets the text buffer size for this console. The high water mark indicates the maximum number of characters stored in the buffer. The low water mark indicates the number of characters remaining in the buffer when the high water mark is exceeded.
      low - the number of characters remaining in the buffer when the high water mark is exceeded (if -1 the console does not limit output)
      high - the maximum number of characters this console will cache in its text buffer (if -1 the console does not limit output)
      IllegalArgumentException - if low >= high & low != -1
    • clearConsole

      public void clearConsole()
      Description copied from class: TextConsole
      Clears the console.

      Since a console may or may not support direct manipulation of its document's contents, this method should be called to clear a text console's document. The default implementation sets this console's document content to the empty string directly. Subclasses should override as required.

      clearConsole in class TextConsole
    • dispose

      protected void dispose()
      Disposes this console.
      dispose in class TextConsole
    • getEncoding

      public String getEncoding()
      Returns the encoding for this console.
      the encoding set for this console
    • getCharset

      public Charset getCharset()
      Returns the Charset for this console.
      the Charset for this console
    • isHandleControlCharacters

      public boolean isHandleControlCharacters()
      Check if console currently interprets ASCII control characters.
      true if console interprets ASCII control characters
    • setHandleControlCharacters

      public void setHandleControlCharacters(boolean handleControlCharacters)
      Enable or disable interpretation of ASCII control characters like backspace (\b).
      handleControlCharacters - interpret control characters if true
    • isCarriageReturnAsControlCharacter

      public boolean isCarriageReturnAsControlCharacter()
      Check if carriage returns (\r) in console output are interpreted as control characters. They are also not interpreted if general control character handling is disabled.
      if true carriage returns are interpreted as control characters.
      See Also:
    • setCarriageReturnAsControlCharacter

      public void setCarriageReturnAsControlCharacter(boolean carriageReturnAsControlCharacter)
      If control characters in console output are interpreted by this console carriage returns (\r) are either ignored (false) and usually handled as line break by connected console document or if true interpreted with there control character meaning.

      Note: this option has no effect if control character interpretation is disabled in general.

      carriageReturnAsControlCharacter - set false to exclude carriage return from control character interpretation
      See Also: