Class RefactoringDescriptor

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
DeleteResourcesDescriptor, MoveRenameResourceDescriptor, MoveResourcesDescriptor, RenameResourceDescriptor

public abstract class RefactoringDescriptor extends Object implements Comparable<RefactoringDescriptor>
Descriptor object of a refactoring.

A refactoring descriptor contains refactoring-specific data which allows the framework to completely reconstruct a particular refactoring instance and execute it on an arbitrary workspace.

Refactoring descriptors contain the following information:

  • a short description string, which provides a human-readable text designed to be displayed in the user interface to represent the refactoring in trees and lists. Descriptions are automatically generated by refactorings.
  • an optional comment string, which provides a full human-readable description of the refactoring. Comments are automatically generated by refactorings and provide more refactoring-specific information, such as which elements have participated in the refactoring.
  • refactoring descriptor flags, which tell the framework what capabilities or properties a certain refactorings has when executed in a remote context.
  • a timestamp, measured as the milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT, which denotes the original execution time of the refactoring.
  • a unique ID, which denotes a certain kind of refactoring (e.g. Rename File). This ID is usually composed of the plugin identifier of the contributing plugin and a plugin-wide unique identifier (e.g. org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.renameFile).
  • the optional name of the project this refactoring is associated with. Note that the project name is not available if the refactoring cannot be associated with a single project, or the refactoring descriptor has been read from a file which cannot be associated with a project.

Refactoring descriptors are identified by their refactoring id getID() and their time stamps getTimeStamp() and are potentially heavy weight objects which should not be held on to. Use refactoring descriptor proxies RefactoringDescriptorProxy to present refactoring descriptors in the user interface or otherwise manipulate refactoring histories.

Clients which create specific refactoring descriptors during change generation should choose a short, informative and human-readable description of the particular refactoring instance and pass appropriate descriptor flags to the constructor. More details about a particular refactoring can be revealed in the comment, which contains more text with refactoring-specific information.

Refactoring descriptors do not provide version information. It is the responsibility of the client to enhance subclasses with refactoring version information in order to provide a means of schema evolution.

All time stamps are measured as the milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.

Note: this class is indented to be subclassed by clients to provide specialized refactoring descriptors for particular refactorings.

See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final int BREAKING_CHANGE
      Constant describing the API change flag (value: 1).

      Clients should set this flag to indicate that the represented refactoring may cause breaking API changes. If clients set the BREAKING_CHANGE flag, they should set STRUCTURAL_CHANGE as well. Typically, refactorings which change elements that are marked as API according to the semantics of the associated programming language should set this flag. This flag is used by the refactoring framework to determine whether a refactoring may break existing API when replayed by clients.

      See Also:

      public static final String ID_UNKNOWN
      The unknown refactoring id (value: org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.unknown).

      This id is reserved by the refactoring framework to signal that a refactoring has been performed which did not deliver a refactoring descriptor via its Change.getDescriptor() method. The refactoring history service never returns unknown refactorings. For consistency reasons, they are reported for IRefactoringExecutionListener or IRefactoringHistoryListener in order to keep clients of these listeners synchronized with the workbench's operation history.

      See Also:

      public static final int MULTI_CHANGE
      Constant describing the multi change flag (value: 4).

      Clients should set this flag to indicate that the change created by the represented refactoring might causes changes in other files than the files of the input elements according to the semantics of the associated programming language. Typically, refactorings which update references to the refactored element should set this flag. This flag is used during team synchronize operations to optimize the processing of refactorings.

      See Also:
    • NONE

      public static final int NONE
      Constant describing the absence of any flags (value: 0).
      See Also:

      public static final int STRUCTURAL_CHANGE
      Constant describing the structural change flag (value: 2).

      Clients should set this flag to indicate that the change created by the represented refactoring might be a structural change according to the semantics of the associated programming language. Typically, refactorings which cause changes in elements other than the element which declares the refactored element should set this flag. This flag is used by language-specific tools to determine whether the refactoring may impact client code.

      See Also:

      public static final int USER_CHANGE
      Constant describing the user flag (value: 256).

      This constant is not intended to be used in refactoring descriptors. Clients should use the value of this constant to define user-defined flags with integer values greater than this constant. Clients must not use this constant directly.

      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • RefactoringDescriptor

      protected RefactoringDescriptor(String id, String project, String description, String comment, int flags)
      Creates a new refactoring descriptor.
      id - the unique id of the refactoring
      project - the non-empty name of the project associated with this refactoring, or null for a workspace refactoring
      description - a non-empty human-readable description of the particular refactoring instance
      comment - the human-readable comment of the particular refactoring instance, or null for no comment
      flags - the flags of the refactoring descriptor
  • Method Details

    • compareTo

      public final int compareTo(RefactoringDescriptor descriptor)
      Specified by:
      compareTo in interface Comparable<RefactoringDescriptor>
    • createRefactoring

      public abstract Refactoring createRefactoring(RefactoringStatus status) throws CoreException
      Creates the a new refactoring instance for this refactoring descriptor.

      The returned refactoring must be in an initialized state, i.e. ready to be executed via PerformRefactoringOperation.

      This method is not intended to be called directly from code that does not belong to this class and its subclasses. External code should call createRefactoringContext(RefactoringStatus) and obtain the refactoring object from the refactoring context.

      status - a refactoring status used to describe the outcome of the initialization
      the refactoring, or null if this refactoring descriptor represents the unknown refactoring, or if no refactoring contribution is available for this refactoring descriptor which is capable to create a refactoring
      CoreException - if an error occurs while creating the refactoring instance
    • createRefactoringContext

      public RefactoringContext createRefactoringContext(RefactoringStatus status) throws CoreException
      Creates the a new refactoring context and the associated refactoring instance for this refactoring descriptor.

      This method is used by the refactoring framework to instantiate a refactoring from a refactoring descriptor, in order to apply it later on a local or remote workspace.

      The default implementation of this method wraps the refactoring in a trivial refactoring context. Subclasses may override this method to create a custom refactoring context.

      status - a refactoring status used to describe the outcome of the initialization
      the refactoring context, or null if this refactoring descriptor represents the unknown refactoring, or if no refactoring contribution is available for this refactoring descriptor which is capable to create a refactoring.
      CoreException - if an error occurs while creating the refactoring context
    • equals

      public final boolean equals(Object object)
      equals in class Object
    • getComment

      public final String getComment()
      Returns the details comment.

      This information is used in the user interface to show additional details about the performed refactoring.

      the details comment, or the empty string
    • getDescription

      public final String getDescription()
      Returns the description.

      This information is used to label a refactoring in the user interface.

      the description
    • getFlags

      public final int getFlags()
      Returns the flags.
      the flags
    • getID

      public final String getID()
      Returns the refactoring id.
      the refactoring id.
    • getProject

      public final String getProject()
      Returns the project name.
      the non-empty name of the project, or null
    • getTimeStamp

      public final long getTimeStamp()
      Returns the time stamp.
      the time stamp, or -1 if no time information is available
    • hashCode

      public final int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • setComment

      public void setComment(String comment)
      Sets the details comment of this refactoring.

      Note: This API must not be extended or reimplemented and should not be called from outside the refactoring framework.

      comment - the comment to set, or null for no comment
    • setDescription

      public void setDescription(String description)
      Sets the description of this refactoring.

      Note: This API must not be extended or reimplemented and should not be called from outside the refactoring framework.

      description - the non-empty description of the refactoring to set
    • setFlags

      public void setFlags(int flags)
      Sets the flags of this refactoring.

      Note: This API must not be extended or reimplemented and should not be called from outside the refactoring framework.

      flags - the flags to set, or NONE to clear the flags
    • setProject

      public void setProject(String project)
      Sets the project name of this refactoring.

      Note: This API must not be extended or reimplemented and should not be called from outside the refactoring framework.

      project - the non-empty project name to set, or null for the workspace
    • setTimeStamp

      public void setTimeStamp(long stamp)
      Sets the time stamp of this refactoring. This method can be called only once.

      Note: This API must not be extended or reimplemented and should not be called from outside the refactoring framework.

      stamp - the time stamp to set
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object