Class ProjectionViewer

All Implemented Interfaces:
IEditingSupportRegistry, ITextOperationTarget, ITextOperationTargetExtension, ITextViewer, ITextViewerExtension, ITextViewerExtension2, ITextViewerExtension3, ITextViewerExtension4, ITextViewerExtension5, ITextViewerExtension6, ITextViewerExtension7, ITextViewerExtension8, ITextViewerExtension9, IWidgetTokenOwner, IWidgetTokenOwnerExtension, ISourceViewer, ISourceViewerExtension, ISourceViewerExtension2, ISourceViewerExtension3, ISourceViewerExtension4, ISourceViewerExtension5, IInputProvider, IInputSelectionProvider, IPostSelectionProvider, ISelectionProvider

public class ProjectionViewer extends SourceViewer implements ITextViewerExtension5
A projection source viewer is a source viewer which supports multiple visible regions which can dynamically be changed.

A projection source viewer uses a ProjectionDocumentManager for the management of the visible document.

NOTE: The ProjectionViewer only supports projections that cover full lines.

This class should not be subclassed.

This class is not intended to be subclassed by clients.
  • Field Details

    • EXPAND

      public static final int EXPAND
      Operation constant for the expand operation.
      See Also:

      public static final int COLLAPSE
      Operation constant for the collapse operation.
      See Also:
    • TOGGLE

      public static final int TOGGLE
      Operation constant for the toggle projection operation.
      See Also:

      public static final int EXPAND_ALL
      Operation constant for the expand all operation.
      See Also:

      public static final int COLLAPSE_ALL
      Operation constant for the collapse all operation.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ProjectionViewer

      public ProjectionViewer(Composite parent, IVerticalRuler ruler, IOverviewRuler overviewRuler, boolean showsAnnotationOverview, int styles)
      Creates a new projection source viewer.
      parent - the SWT parent control
      ruler - the vertical ruler
      overviewRuler - the overview ruler
      showsAnnotationOverview - true if the overview ruler should be shown
      styles - the SWT style bits
  • Method Details

    • setProjectionSummary

      public void setProjectionSummary(org.eclipse.jface.text.source.projection.ProjectionSummary projectionSummary)
      Sets the projection summary for this viewer.
      projectionSummary - the projection summary.
    • setDocument

      public void setDocument(IDocument document, IAnnotationModel annotationModel, int modelRangeOffset, int modelRangeLength)
      Description copied from interface: ISourceViewer
      Sets the given document as this viewer's text model and the given annotation model as the model for this viewer's visual annotations. The presentation is accordingly updated whereby only the specified region is exposed. An appropriate TextEvent is issued. The text event does not carry a related document event. This method is a convenience method for setDocument(document, annotationModel);setVisibleRegion(offset, length).
      Specified by:
      setDocument in interface ISourceViewer
      setDocument in class SourceViewer
      document - the new input document
      annotationModel - the model of the viewer's visual annotations
      modelRangeOffset - the offset of the model range
      modelRangeLength - the length of the model range
      See Also:
    • createVisualAnnotationModel

      protected IAnnotationModel createVisualAnnotationModel(IAnnotationModel annotationModel)
      Description copied from class: SourceViewer
      Creates the visual annotation model on top of the given annotation model.
      createVisualAnnotationModel in class SourceViewer
      annotationModel - the wrapped annotation model
      the visual annotation model on top of the given annotation model
    • getProjectionAnnotationModel

      public ProjectionAnnotationModel getProjectionAnnotationModel()
      Returns the projection annotation model.
      the projection annotation model
    • createSlaveDocumentManager

      protected ISlaveDocumentManager createSlaveDocumentManager()
      Description copied from class: TextViewer
      Creates a new slave document manager. This implementation always returns a ChildDocumentManager.
      createSlaveDocumentManager in class TextViewer
    • updateSlaveDocument

      protected boolean updateSlaveDocument(IDocument slaveDocument, int modelRangeOffset, int modelRangeLength) throws BadLocationException
      Description copied from class: TextViewer
      Updates the given slave document to show the specified range of its master document.
      updateSlaveDocument in class TextViewer
      slaveDocument - the slave document
      modelRangeOffset - the offset of the master document range
      modelRangeLength - the length of the master document range
      true if the slave has been adapted successfully
      BadLocationException - in case the specified range is not valid in the master document
    • addProjectionListener

      public void addProjectionListener(IProjectionListener listener)
      Adds a projection annotation listener to this viewer. The listener may not be null. If the listener is already registered, this method does not have any effect.
      listener - the listener to add
    • removeProjectionListener

      public void removeProjectionListener(IProjectionListener listener)
      Removes the given listener from this viewer. The listener may not be null. If the listener is not registered with this viewer, this method is without effect.
      listener - the listener to remove
    • fireProjectionEnabled

      protected void fireProjectionEnabled()
      Notifies all registered projection listeners that projection mode has been enabled.
    • fireProjectionDisabled

      protected void fireProjectionDisabled()
      Notifies all registered projection listeners that projection mode has been disabled.
    • isProjectionMode

      public final boolean isProjectionMode()
      Returns whether this viewer is in projection mode.
      true if this viewer is in projection mode, false otherwise
    • disableProjection

      public final void disableProjection()
      Disables the projection mode.
    • enableProjection

      public final void enableProjection()
      Enables the projection mode.
    • setVisibleRegion

      public void setVisibleRegion(int start, int length)
      Description copied from interface: ITextViewer
      Defines and sets the region of this viewer's document which will be visible in the presentation. Every character inside the specified region is supposed to be visible in the viewer's widget after that call.
      Specified by:
      setVisibleRegion in interface ITextViewer
      setVisibleRegion in class TextViewer
      start - the offset of the visible region
      length - the length of the visible region
    • setVisibleDocument

      protected void setVisibleDocument(IDocument document)
      Description copied from class: TextViewer
      Sets this viewer's visible document. The visible document represents the visible region of the viewer's input document.
      setVisibleDocument in class TextViewer
      document - the visible document
    • resetVisibleRegion

      public void resetVisibleRegion()
      Description copied from interface: ITextViewer
      Resets the region of this viewer's document which is visible in the presentation. Afterwards, the whole input document is visible.
      Specified by:
      resetVisibleRegion in interface ITextViewer
      resetVisibleRegion in class TextViewer
    • getVisibleRegion

      public IRegion getVisibleRegion()
      Description copied from interface: ITextViewer
      Returns the current visible region of this viewer's document. The result may differ from the argument passed to setVisibleRegion if the document has been modified since then. The visible region is supposed to be a consecutive region in viewer's input document and every character inside that region is supposed to visible in the viewer's widget.

      Viewers implementing ITextViewerExtension5 may be forced to change the fractions of the input document that are shown, in order to fulfill this contract.

      Specified by:
      getVisibleRegion in interface ITextViewer
      getVisibleRegion in class TextViewer
      this viewer's current visible region
    • overlapsWithVisibleRegion

      public boolean overlapsWithVisibleRegion(int offset, int length)
      Description copied from interface: ITextViewer
      Returns whether a given range overlaps with the visible region of this viewer's document.

      Viewers implementing ITextViewerExtension5may be forced to change the fractions of the input document that are shown in order to fulfill this request. This is because the overlap is supposed to be without gaps.

      Specified by:
      overlapsWithVisibleRegion in interface ITextViewer
      overlapsWithVisibleRegion in class TextViewer
      offset - the offset
      length - the length
      true if the specified range overlaps with the visible region
    • processCatchupRequest

      protected final void processCatchupRequest(AnnotationModelEvent event)
      Processes the request for catch up with the annotation model in the UI thread. If the current thread is not the UI thread or there are pending catch up requests, a new request is posted.
      event - the annotation model event
    • postCatchupRequest

      protected final void postCatchupRequest(AnnotationModelEvent event)
      Posts the request for catch up with the annotation model into the UI thread.
      event - the annotation model event
    • computeCollapsedRegion

      public IRegion computeCollapsedRegion(Position position)
      Computes the region that must be collapsed when the given position is the position of an expanded projection annotation.
      position - the position
      the range that must be collapsed
    • computeCollapsedRegionAnchor

      public Position computeCollapsedRegionAnchor(Position position)
      Computes the collapsed region anchor for the given position. Assuming that the position is the position of an expanded projection annotation, the anchor is the region that is still visible after the projection annotation has been collapsed.
      position - the position
      the collapsed region anchor
    • reinitializeProjection

      public final void reinitializeProjection() throws BadLocationException
      Forces this viewer to throw away any old state and to initialize its content from its projection annotation model.
      BadLocationException - in case something goes wrong during initialization
    • handleVerifyEvent

      protected void handleVerifyEvent(VerifyEvent e)
      Description copied from class: TextViewer
      Handles the verify event issued by the viewer's text widget.
      handleVerifyEvent in class TextViewer
      e - the verify event
      See Also:
    • exposeModelRange

      public boolean exposeModelRange(IRegion modelRange)
      Description copied from interface: ITextViewerExtension5
      Exposes the given model range. Returns whether this call caused a change of the set of exposed model ranges.
      Specified by:
      exposeModelRange in interface ITextViewerExtension5
      modelRange - the model range to be exposed
      true if the set of exposed model ranges changed, false otherwise
    • setRangeIndication

      public void setRangeIndication(int offset, int length, boolean moveCursor)
      Description copied from interface: ISourceViewer
      Sets the viewers's range indication to the specified range. It is indicated whether the cursor should also be moved to the beginning of the specified range.
      Specified by:
      setRangeIndication in interface ISourceViewer
      setRangeIndication in class SourceViewer
      offset - the offset of the range
      length - the length of the range
      moveCursor - indicates whether the cursor should be moved to the given offset
    • handleDispose

      protected void handleDispose()
      Description copied from class: TextViewer
      Frees all resources allocated by this viewer. Internally called when the viewer's control has been disposed.
      handleDispose in class SourceViewer
    • handleVisibleDocumentChanged

      protected void handleVisibleDocumentChanged(DocumentEvent event)
      Description copied from class: TextViewer
      Hook method called when the visible document has been changed.

      Subclasses may override.

      handleVisibleDocumentChanged in class TextViewer
      event - the document event
    • handleVisibleDocumentAboutToBeChanged

      protected void handleVisibleDocumentAboutToBeChanged(DocumentEvent event)
      Description copied from class: TextViewer
      Hook method called when the visible document is about to be changed.

      Subclasses may override.

      handleVisibleDocumentAboutToBeChanged in class TextViewer
      event - the document event
    • getCoveredModelRanges

      public IRegion[] getCoveredModelRanges(IRegion modelRange)
      Description copied from interface: ITextViewerExtension5
      Returns the maximal subranges of the given model range thus that there is no offset inside a subrange for which there is no image offset.
      Specified by:
      getCoveredModelRanges in interface ITextViewerExtension5
      modelRange - the model range
      the list of subranges
    • doOperation

      public void doOperation(int operation)
      Description copied from interface: ITextOperationTarget
      Performs the operation specified by the operation code on the target. doOperation must only be called if canDoOperation returns true.
      Specified by:
      doOperation in interface ITextOperationTarget
      doOperation in class SourceViewer
      operation - the operation code
    • canDoOperation

      public boolean canDoOperation(int operation)
      Description copied from interface: ITextOperationTarget
      Returns whether the operation specified by the given operation code can be performed.
      Specified by:
      canDoOperation in interface ITextOperationTarget
      canDoOperation in class SourceViewer
      operation - the operation code
      true if the specified operation can be performed
    • copyMarkedRegion

      protected void copyMarkedRegion(boolean delete)
      Description copied from class: TextViewer
      Copies/cuts the marked region.
      copyMarkedRegion in class TextViewer
      delete - true if the region should be deleted rather than copied.
    • widgetSelection2ModelSelection

      protected Point widgetSelection2ModelSelection(Point widgetSelection)
      Adapts the behavior of the super class to respect line based folding.
      widgetSelection2ModelSelection in class TextViewer
      widgetSelection - the widget selection
      the model selection while respecting line based folding
    • getFindReplaceDocumentAdapter

      protected FindReplaceDocumentAdapter getFindReplaceDocumentAdapter()
      Description copied from class: TextViewer
      Returns the find/replace document adapter.
      getFindReplaceDocumentAdapter in class TextViewer
      the find/replace document adapter.
    • findAndSelect

      protected int findAndSelect(int startPosition, String findString, boolean forwardSearch, boolean caseSensitive, boolean wholeWord, boolean regExSearch)
      Description copied from class: TextViewer
      findAndSelect in class TextViewer
      startPosition - the start position
      findString - the find string specification
      forwardSearch - the search direction
      caseSensitive - true if case sensitive, false otherwise
      wholeWord - true if matches must be whole words, false otherwise
      regExSearch - true if findString is a regular expression, false otherwise
      the model offset of the first match
    • findAndSelectInRange

      protected int findAndSelectInRange(int startPosition, String findString, boolean forwardSearch, boolean caseSensitive, boolean wholeWord, int rangeOffset, int rangeLength, boolean regExSearch)
      Description copied from class: TextViewer
      findAndSelectInRange in class TextViewer
      startPosition - the start position
      findString - the find string specification
      forwardSearch - the search direction
      caseSensitive - true if case sensitive, false otherwise
      wholeWord - true if matches must be whole words, false otherwise
      rangeOffset - the search scope offset
      rangeLength - the search scope length
      regExSearch - true if findString is a regular expression, false otherwise
      the model offset of the first match