Class MessageDialogWithToggle

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class MessageDialogWithToggle extends MessageDialog

A message dialog which also allows the user to adjust a toggle setting. If a preference store is provided and the user selects the toggle, then the user's answer (yes/ok or no) will be persisted in the store. If no store is provided, then this information can be queried after the dialog closes.

This type of dialog should be used whenever you want to user to be able to avoid being prompted in the future. It is strongly recommended that a cancel option be provided, so that the user has the option of making the decision at a later point in time. The semantic for a cancel button should be to cancel the operation (if it has not yet started), or stop the operation (if it has already started).

It is the responsibility of the developer to provide a mechanism for the user to change this preference at some later point in time (e.g., through a preference page).

  • Field Details

    • ALWAYS

      public static final String ALWAYS
      The value of the preference when the user has asked that the answer to the question always be "okay" or "yes".
      See Also:
    • NEVER

      public static final String NEVER
      The value of the preference when the user has asked that the answer to the question always be "no".
      See Also:
    • PROMPT

      public static final String PROMPT
      The value of the preference when the user wishes to prompted for an answer every time the question is to be asked.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • MessageDialogWithToggle

      public MessageDialogWithToggle(Shell parentShell, String dialogTitle, Image image, String message, int dialogImageType, String[] dialogButtonLabels, int defaultIndex, String toggleMessage, boolean toggleState)
      Creates a message dialog with a toggle. See the superclass constructor for info on the other parameters.
      parentShell - the parent shell
      dialogTitle - the dialog title, or null if none
      image - the dialog title image, or null if none
      message - the dialog message
      dialogImageType - one of the following values:
      • MessageDialog.NONE for a dialog with no image
      • MessageDialog.ERROR for a dialog with an error image
      • MessageDialog.INFORMATION for a dialog with an information image
      • MessageDialog.QUESTION for a dialog with a question image
      • MessageDialog.WARNING for a dialog with a warning image
      dialogButtonLabels - an array of labels for the buttons in the button bar
      defaultIndex - the index in the button label array of the default button
      toggleMessage - the message for the toggle control, or null for the default message
      toggleState - the initial state for the toggle
    • MessageDialogWithToggle

      public MessageDialogWithToggle(Shell parentShell, String dialogTitle, Image image, String message, int dialogImageType, LinkedHashMap<String,Integer> buttonLabelToIdMap, int defaultIndex, String toggleMessage, boolean toggleState)
      Creates a message dialog with a toggle. See the superclass constructor for info on the other parameters. This constructor accepts a LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> to set custom button labels (String) and custom button IDs (Integer) as return codes for those buttons. Use this constructor if you need to override the default labels and IDs.
      parentShell - the parent shell
      dialogTitle - the dialog title, or null if none
      image - the dialog title image, or null if none
      message - the dialog message
      dialogImageType - one of the following values:
      • MessageDialog.NONE for a dialog with no image
      • MessageDialog.ERROR for a dialog with an error image
      • MessageDialog.INFORMATION for a dialog with an information image
      • MessageDialog.QUESTION for a dialog with a question image
      • MessageDialog.WARNING for a dialog with a warning image
      buttonLabelToIdMap - map with button labels and IDs to define custom labels and their corresponding IDs
      defaultIndex - the index of the default button in the button label and ID map related to the insertion order of the elements
      toggleMessage - the message for the toggle control, or null for the default message
      toggleState - the initial state for the toggle
  • Method Details

    • open

      public static MessageDialogWithToggle open(int kind, Shell parent, String title, String message, String toggleMessage, boolean toggleState, IPreferenceStore store, String key, int style)
      Convenience method to open a simple dialog as specified by the kind flag, with a "don't show again' toggle.
      kind - the kind of dialog to open, one of MessageDialog.ERROR, MessageDialog.INFORMATION, MessageDialog.QUESTION, MessageDialog.WARNING, MessageDialog.CONFIRM, or {#QUESTION_WITH_CANCEL}.
      parent - the parent shell of the dialog, or null if none
      title - the dialog's title, or null if none
      message - the message
      toggleMessage - the message for the toggle control, or null for the default message
      toggleState - the initial state for the toggle
      store - the IPreference store in which the user's preference should be persisted; null if you don't want it persisted automatically.
      key - the key to use when persisting the user's preference; null if you don't want it persisted.
      style - SWT.NONE for a default dialog, or SWT.SHEET for a dialog with sheet behavior
      the dialog, after being closed by the user, which the client can only call getReturnCode() or getToggleState()
    • open

      public static MessageDialogWithToggle open(int kind, Shell parent, String title, String message, String toggleMessage, boolean toggleState, IPreferenceStore store, String key, int style, LinkedHashMap<String,Integer> buttonLabelToIdMap)
      Convenience method to open a simple dialog as specified by the kind flag, with a "don't show again' toggle. This method accepts a LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> to set custom button labels (String) and custom button IDs (Integer) as return codes for those buttons. Use this method if you need to override the default labels and IDs.
      kind - the kind of dialog to open, one of MessageDialog.ERROR, MessageDialog.INFORMATION, MessageDialog.QUESTION, MessageDialog.WARNING, MessageDialog.CONFIRM, or {#QUESTION_WITH_CANCEL}.
      parent - the parent shell of the dialog, or null if none
      title - the dialog's title, or null if none
      message - the message
      toggleMessage - the message for the toggle control, or null for the default message
      toggleState - the initial state for the toggle
      store - the IPreference store in which the user's preference should be persisted; null if you don't want it persisted automatically.
      key - the key to use when persisting the user's preference; null if you don't want it persisted.
      style - SWT.NONE for a default dialog, or SWT.SHEET for a dialog with sheet behavior
      buttonLabelToIdMap - map with button labels and ids to define custom labels and their corresponding ids
      the dialog, after being closed by the user, which the client can only call getReturnCode() or getToggleState()
    • openError

      public static MessageDialogWithToggle openError(Shell parent, String title, String message, String toggleMessage, boolean toggleState, IPreferenceStore store, String key)
      Convenience method to open a standard error dialog.
      parent - the parent shell of the dialog, or null if none
      title - the dialog's title, or null if none
      message - the message
      toggleMessage - the message for the toggle control, or null for the default message
      toggleState - the initial state for the toggle
      store - the IPreference store in which the user's preference should be persisted; null if you don't want it persisted automatically.
      key - the key to use when persisting the user's preference; null if you don't want it persisted.
      the dialog, after being closed by the user, which the client can only call getReturnCode() or getToggleState()
    • openInformation

      public static MessageDialogWithToggle openInformation(Shell parent, String title, String message, String toggleMessage, boolean toggleState, IPreferenceStore store, String key)
      Convenience method to open a standard information dialog.
      parent - the parent shell of the dialog, or null if none
      title - the dialog's title, or null if none
      message - the message
      toggleMessage - the message for the toggle control, or null for the default message
      toggleState - the initial state for the toggle
      store - the IPreference store in which the user's preference should be persisted; null if you don't want it persisted automatically.
      key - the key to use when persisting the user's preference; null if you don't want it persisted.
      the dialog, after being closed by the user, which the client can only call getReturnCode() or getToggleState()
    • openOkCancelConfirm

      public static MessageDialogWithToggle openOkCancelConfirm(Shell parent, String title, String message, String toggleMessage, boolean toggleState, IPreferenceStore store, String key)
      Convenience method to open a simple confirm (OK/Cancel) dialog.
      parent - the parent shell of the dialog, or null if none
      title - the dialog's title, or null if none
      message - the message
      toggleMessage - the message for the toggle control, or null for the default message
      toggleState - the initial state for the toggle
      store - the IPreference store in which the user's preference should be persisted; null if you don't want it persisted automatically.
      key - the key to use when persisting the user's preference; null if you don't want it persisted.
      the dialog, after being closed by the user, which the client can only call getReturnCode() or getToggleState()
    • openWarning

      public static MessageDialogWithToggle openWarning(Shell parent, String title, String message, String toggleMessage, boolean toggleState, IPreferenceStore store, String key)
      Convenience method to open a standard warning dialog.
      parent - the parent shell of the dialog, or null if none
      title - the dialog's title, or null if none
      message - the message
      toggleMessage - the message for the toggle control, or null for the default message
      toggleState - the initial state for the toggle
      store - the IPreference store in which the user's preference should be persisted; null if you don't want it persisted automatically.
      key - the key to use when persisting the user's preference; null if you don't want it persisted.
      the dialog, after being closed by the user, which the client can only call getReturnCode() or getToggleState()
    • openYesNoCancelQuestion

      public static MessageDialogWithToggle openYesNoCancelQuestion(Shell parent, String title, String message, String toggleMessage, boolean toggleState, IPreferenceStore store, String key)
      Convenience method to open a simple question Yes/No/Cancel dialog.
      parent - the parent shell of the dialog, or null if none
      title - the dialog's title, or null if none
      message - the message
      toggleMessage - the message for the toggle control, or null for the default message
      toggleState - the initial state for the toggle
      store - the IPreference store in which the user's preference should be persisted; null if you don't want it persisted automatically.
      key - the key to use when persisting the user's preference; null if you don't want it persisted.
      the dialog, after being closed by the user, which the client can only call getReturnCode() or getToggleState()
    • openYesNoQuestion

      public static MessageDialogWithToggle openYesNoQuestion(Shell parent, String title, String message, String toggleMessage, boolean toggleState, IPreferenceStore store, String key)
      Convenience method to open a simple Yes/No question dialog.
      parent - the parent shell of the dialog, or null if none
      title - the dialog's title, or null if none
      message - the message
      toggleMessage - the message for the toggle control, or null for the default message
      toggleState - the initial state for the toggle
      store - the IPreference store in which the user's preference should be persisted; null if you don't want it persisted automatically.
      key - the key to use when persisting the user's preference; null if you don't want it persisted.
      the dialog, after being closed by the user, which the client can only call getReturnCode() or getToggleState()
    • buttonPressed

      protected void buttonPressed(int buttonId)
      Description copied from class: Dialog
      Notifies that this dialog's button with the given id has been pressed.

      The Dialog implementation of this framework method calls okPressed if the ok button is the pressed, and cancelPressed if the cancel button is the pressed. All other button presses are ignored. Subclasses may override to handle other buttons, but should call super.buttonPressed if the default handling of the ok and cancel buttons is desired.

      buttonPressed in class MessageDialog
      buttonId - the id of the button that was pressed (see IDialogConstants.*_ID constants)
      See Also:
    • createButtonsForButtonBar

      protected void createButtonsForButtonBar(Composite parent)
      Description copied from class: Dialog
      Adds buttons to this dialog's button bar.

      The Dialog implementation of this framework method adds standard ok and cancel buttons using the createButton framework method. These standard buttons will be accessible from getCancelButton, and getOKButton. Subclasses may override.

      Note: The common button order is: {other buttons}, OK, Cancel. On some platforms, Dialog.initializeBounds() will move the default button to the right.

      createButtonsForButtonBar in class MessageDialog
      parent - the button bar composite
      See Also:
    • createDialogArea

      protected Control createDialogArea(Composite parent)
      Description copied from class: MessageDialog
      This implementation of the Dialog framework method creates and lays out a composite and calls createMessageArea and createCustomArea to populate it. Subclasses should override createCustomArea to add contents below the message.
      createDialogArea in class MessageDialog
      parent - the parent composite to contain the dialog area
      the dialog area control
      See Also:
    • createToggleButton

      protected Button createToggleButton(Composite parent)
      Creates a toggle button without any text or state. The text and state will be created by createDialogArea.
      parent - The composite in which the toggle button should be placed; must not be null.
      The added toggle button; never null.
    • getToggleButton

      protected Button getToggleButton()
      Returns the toggle button.
      the toggle button
    • getPrefStore

      public IPreferenceStore getPrefStore()
      An accessor for the current preference store for this dialog.
      The preference store; this value may be null if no preference is being used.
    • getPrefKey

      public String getPrefKey()
      An accessor for the current key of the toggle preference.
      The preference key; this value may be null if no preference is being used.
    • getToggleState

      public boolean getToggleState()
      Returns the toggle state. This can be called even after the dialog is closed.
      true if the toggle button is checked, false if not
    • setPrefKey

      public void setPrefKey(String prefKey)
      A mutator for the key of the preference to be modified by the toggle button.
      prefKey - The prefKey to set. If this value is null, then no preference will be modified.
    • setPrefStore

      public void setPrefStore(IPreferenceStore prefStore)
      A mutator for the preference store to be modified by the toggle button.
      prefStore - The prefStore to set. If this value is null, then no preference will be modified.
    • setToggleButton

      protected void setToggleButton(Button button)
      A mutator for the button providing the toggle option. If the button exists, then it will automatically get the text set to the current toggle message, and its selection state set to the current selection state.
      button - The button to use; must not be null.
    • setToggleMessage

      protected void setToggleMessage(String message)
      A mutator for the text on the toggle button. The button will automatically get updated with the new text, if it exists.
      message - The new text of the toggle button; if it is null, then used the default toggle message.
    • setToggleState

      public void setToggleState(boolean toggleState)
      A mutator for the state of the toggle button. This method will update the button, if it exists.
      toggleState - The desired state of the toggle button (true means the toggle should be selected).