Class CommandManager

All Implemented Interfaces:
ICategoryListener, ICommandListener, IParameterTypeListener

public final class CommandManager extends HandleObjectManager implements ICategoryListener, ICommandListener, IParameterTypeListener

A central repository for commands -- both in the defined and undefined states. Commands can be created and retrieved using this manager. It is possible to listen to changes in the collection of commands by attaching a listener to the manager.

See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final String AUTOGENERATED_CATEGORY_ID
      The identifier of the category in which all auto-generated commands will appear. This value must never be null.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • CommandManager

      public CommandManager()
  • Method Details

    • addCommandManagerListener

      public void addCommandManagerListener(ICommandManagerListener listener)
      Adds a listener to this command manager. The listener will be notified when the set of defined commands changes. This can be used to track the global appearance and disappearance of commands.
      listener - The listener to attach; must not be null.
    • addExecutionListener

      public void addExecutionListener(IExecutionListener listener)
      Adds an execution listener to this manager. This listener will be notified if any of the commands controlled by this manager execute. This can be used to support macros and instrumentation of commands.
      listener - The listener to attach; must not be null.
    • categoryChanged

      public void categoryChanged(CategoryEvent categoryEvent)
      Description copied from interface: ICategoryListener
      Notifies that one or more properties of an instance of Category have changed. Specific details are described in the CategoryEvent.
      Specified by:
      categoryChanged in interface ICategoryListener
      categoryEvent - the category event. Guaranteed not to be null.
    • commandChanged

      public void commandChanged(CommandEvent commandEvent)
      Description copied from interface: ICommandListener
      Notifies that one or more properties of an instance of Command have changed. Specific details are described in the CommandEvent.
      Specified by:
      commandChanged in interface ICommandListener
      commandEvent - the command event. Guaranteed not to be null.
    • defineUncategorizedCategory

      public void defineUncategorizedCategory(String name, String description)
      Sets the name and description of the category for uncategorized commands. This is the category that will be returned if getCategory(String) is called with null.
      name - The name of the category for uncategorized commands; must not be null.
      description - The description of the category for uncategorized commands; may be null.
    • deserialize

      public ParameterizedCommand deserialize(String serializedParameterizedCommand) throws NotDefinedException, SerializationException

      Returns a ParameterizedCommand with a command and parameterizations as specified in the provided serializedParameterizedCommand string. The serializedParameterizedCommand must use the format returned by ParameterizedCommand.serialize() and described in the Javadoc for that method.

      If a parameter id encoded in the serializedParameterizedCommand does not exist in the encoded command, that parameter id and value are ignored. A given parameter id should not be used more than once in serializedParameterizedCommand. This will not result in an exception, but in this case the value of the parameter when the command is executed is unspecified.

      This method will never return null, however it may throw an exception if there is a problem processing the serialization string or the encoded command is undefined.

      serializedParameterizedCommand - a string representing a command id and parameter ids and values; must not be null
      a ParameterizedCommand with the command and parameterizations encoded in the serializedParameterizedCommand; never null.
      NotDefinedException - if the command indicated in serializedParameterizedCommand is not defined
      SerializationException - if there is an error deserializing serializedParameterizedCommand
      See Also:
    • getAllCommands

      public Command[] getAllCommands()
      Returns all of the commands known by this manager -- defined and undefined.
      All of the commands; may be empty, but never null.
    • getCategory

      public Category getCategory(String categoryId)
      Gets the category with the given identifier. If no such category currently exists, then the category will be created (but be undefined).
      categoryId - The identifier to find; must not be null. If the category is null, then a category suitable for uncategorized items is defined and returned.
      The category with the given identifier; this value will never be null, but it might be undefined.
      See Also:
    • getCommand

      public Command getCommand(String commandId)
      Gets the command with the given identifier. If no such command currently exists, then the command will be created (but will be undefined).
      commandId - The identifier to find; must not be null and must not be zero-length.
      The command with the given identifier; this value will never be null, but it might be undefined.
      See Also:
    • getDefinedCategories

      public Category[] getDefinedCategories()
      Returns the categories that are defined.
      The defined categories; this value may be empty, but it is never null.
    • getDefinedCategoryIds

      public Set getDefinedCategoryIds()
      Returns the set of identifiers for those category that are defined.
      The set of defined category identifiers; this value may be empty, but it is never null.
    • getDefinedCommandIds

      public Set getDefinedCommandIds()
      Returns the set of identifiers for those commands that are defined.
      The set of defined command identifiers; this value may be empty, but it is never null.
    • getDefinedCommands

      public Command[] getDefinedCommands()
      Returns the commands that are defined.
      The defined commands; this value may be empty, but it is never null.
    • getDefinedParameterTypeIds

      public Set getDefinedParameterTypeIds()
      Returns the set of identifiers for those parameter types that are defined.
      The set of defined command parameter type identifiers; this value may be empty, but it is never null.
    • getDefinedParameterTypes

      public ParameterType[] getDefinedParameterTypes()
      Returns the command parameter types that are defined.
      The defined command parameter types; this value may be empty, but it is never null.
    • getHelpContextId

      public String getHelpContextId(Command command) throws NotDefinedException
      Gets the help context identifier for a particular command. The command's handler is first checked for a help context identifier. If the handler does not have a help context identifier, then the help context identifier for the command is returned. If neither has a help context identifier, then null is returned.
      command - The command for which the help context should be retrieved; must not be null.
      The help context identifier to use for the given command; may be null.
      NotDefinedException - If the given command is not defined.
    • getParameterType

      public ParameterType getParameterType(String parameterTypeId)
      Gets the command ParameterType with the given identifier. If no such command parameter type currently exists, then the command parameter type will be created (but will be undefined).
      parameterTypeId - The identifier to find; must not be null and must not be zero-length.
      The ParameterType with the given identifier; this value will never be null, but it might be undefined.
    • parameterTypeChanged

      public void parameterTypeChanged(ParameterTypeEvent parameterTypeEvent)
      Notifies that one or more properties of an instance of ParameterType have changed. Specific details are described in the ParameterTypeEvent.
      Specified by:
      parameterTypeChanged in interface IParameterTypeListener
      parameterTypeEvent - the event. Guaranteed not to be null.
    • removeCommandManagerListener

      public void removeCommandManagerListener(ICommandManagerListener listener)
      Removes a listener from this command manager.
      listener - The listener to be removed; must not be null.
    • removeExecutionListener

      public void removeExecutionListener(IExecutionListener listener)
      Removes an execution listener from this command manager.
      listener - The listener to be removed; must not be null.
    • setHandlersByCommandId

      public void setHandlersByCommandId(Map handlersByCommandId)
      Block updates all of the handlers for all of the commands. If the handler is null or the command id does not exist in the map, then the command becomes unhandled. Otherwise, the handler is set to the corresponding value in the map.
      handlersByCommandId - A map of command identifiers (String) to handlers (IHandler). This map may be null if all handlers should be cleared. Similarly, if the map is empty, then all commands will become unhandled.
    • setHelpContextId

      public void setHelpContextId(IHandler handler, String helpContextId)
      Sets the help context identifier to associate with a particular handler.
      handler - The handler with which to register a help context identifier; must not be null.
      helpContextId - The help context identifier to register; may be null if the help context identifier should be removed.
    • fireNotEnabled

      public void fireNotEnabled(String commandId, NotEnabledException exception)
      Fires the notEnabled event for executionListeners.

      Note: This supports bridging actions to the command framework, and should not be used outside the framework.

      commandId - The command id of the command about to execute, never null.
      exception - The exception, never null.
    • fireNotDefined

      public void fireNotDefined(String commandId, NotDefinedException exception)
      Fires the notDefined event for executionListeners.

      Note: This supports bridging actions to the command framework, and should not be used outside the framework.

      commandId - The command id of the command about to execute, never null.
      exception - The exception, never null.
    • firePreExecute

      public void firePreExecute(String commandId, ExecutionEvent event)
      Fires the preExecute event for executionListeners.

      Note: This supports bridging actions to the command framework, and should not be used outside the framework.

      commandId - The command id of the command about to execute, never null.
      event - The event that triggered the command, may be null.
    • firePostExecuteSuccess

      public void firePostExecuteSuccess(String commandId, Object returnValue)
      Fires the postExecuteSuccess event for executionListeners.

      Note: This supports bridging actions to the command framework, and should not be used outside the framework.

      commandId - The command id of the command executed, never null.
      returnValue - The value returned from the command, may be null.
    • firePostExecuteFailure

      public void firePostExecuteFailure(String commandId, ExecutionException exception)
      Fires the postExecuteFailure event for executionListeners.

      Note: This supports bridging actions to the command framework, and should not be used outside the framework.

      commandId - The command id of the command executed, never null.
      exception - The exception, never null.