Interface IExecutionListener

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface IExecutionListener

A listener to the execution of commands. This listener will be notified if a command is about to execute, and when that execution completes. It is not possible for the listener to prevent the execution, only to respond to it in some way.

  • Method Details

    • notHandled

      void notHandled(String commandId, NotHandledException exception)
      Notifies the listener that an attempt was made to execute a command with no handler.
      commandId - The identifier of command that is not handled; never null
      exception - The exception that occurred; never null.
    • postExecuteFailure

      void postExecuteFailure(String commandId, ExecutionException exception)
      Notifies the listener that a command has failed to complete execution.
      commandId - The identifier of the command that has executed; never null.
      exception - The exception that occurred; never null.
    • postExecuteSuccess

      void postExecuteSuccess(String commandId, Object returnValue)
      Notifies the listener that a command has completed execution successfully.
      commandId - The identifier of the command that has executed; never null.
      returnValue - The return value from the command; may be null.
    • preExecute

      void preExecute(String commandId, ExecutionEvent event)
      Notifies the listener that a command is about to execute.
      commandId - The identifier of the command that is about to execute, never null.
      event - The event that will be passed to the execute method; never null.