Model RealTime 12.1

September 20, 2024

Model RealTime 12.1 is the latest and recommended version and should be used with Eclipse 2024.06 (4.32). Make sure to read the installation instructions carefully since there are some important changes compared to previous versions of Eclipse.

Information about the release contents:

Refer to this document for how to install Model RealTime 12.1: Installation Instructions

This page contains reference to a Bash script that can be used to automatically install Model RealTime 12.1 from command line: Install Product

Before installing please check the System Requirements for the release.

Cumulative deliveries of Model RealTime 12.1 will be released approximately every quarter.

Version Release Date Links Recommended Eclipse Version
Model RealTime 12.1.0 September 20, 2024 Blog
Included Changes
What's New
Eclipse 4.32 (CDT 11.6)