176906: Quotations and path separators issue when generating makefile in Model RealTime 12.0.2
Generation of RSA_RT_HOME path to Makefile has been fixed. Now for GNU makefiles (Make type = GNU_make) RSA_RT_HOME path will be generated with forward slashes, for example:
RSA_RT_HOME = C:/ModelRT_12.0.2/rsa_rt
176866: Release BIRT Integration for Model RealTime 12.1
BIRT integration is now available for Model RealTime 12.x, more information here: https://hclsw.co/modelrt-birt-int
176812: Make it easier to log messages with variables
New logging mechanism has been added to Target RTS. One can print the multiple values at once using Log::out or Log::err and << operators. Log::lock / Log::unlock can be used to synchronize the output while using multiple threads. More information here: https://secure-dev-op…e/target-rts/versions/
176590: UI Support for MacOS on x86_64
Model RealTime now supports running the tool on MacOS with x86-64 architecture.
176241: RFE: Modified tabs in bold
If the "C++ General" or "C++ Target RTS" property tabs contain one or many properties with a modified value, the property tab title is now prefixed with ">".