The RT Services Library

RT Services Library

Describes the RT services library, which is the run-time library used by real-time applications generated from Model RealTime. This document uses the C++ implementation of the library, which is also known as the C++ Target RTS.

Managing the Target RTS using the TargetRTS Wizard

Describes how the TargetRTS Wizard can be used for managing different configurations of the C++ Target RTS.

All Changes in C++ Target RTS from Rose RT to Model RealTime

Describes all changes in the C++ Target RTS implemented between the latest version of Rational Rose RT and the latest version of Model RealTime. Consult this document if you have your own customized version of the Target RTS and want to update it with the latest changes.

NOTE: Future changes to the TargetRTS will be documented here:

More information about some of the changes in the Target RTS source code, and the generated code that uses it, can be found in the videos below:

Use of the C++ 11 keywords 'nullptr' and 'override'

Using the std::chrono library for timers'