Compare/Merge command line tool for Model RealTime and RSAD
Model RealTime and RSAD EGit Integration: Logical and closure merge from command line
Reference documentation for the command line compare/merge support in Model RealTime and Rational Software Architect Designer (RSAD).
See also the Model RealTime EGit integration documentation for information about how to use compare/merge in an EGit context.
There are also several other documents and articles that cover Compare/Merge in RSAD, which to a large extent also are applicable for Model RealTime:
Comparing and merging UML models: Part 1 - Comparing models with local history
Comparing and merging UML models: Part 2 - Merging models using "compare with each other
Comparing and merging UML models: Part 3 - A deeper understanding of model merging
Comparing and merging UML models: Part 4 - Parallel model development with CVS
Comparing and merging UML models: Part 6 - Parallel model development with custom profiles
Comparing and merging UML models: Part 7 - Ad-hoc modeling - Fusing two models with diagrams
Comparing and merging UML models: Part 8 - Model management without a repository
Governing and managing enterprise models: Part 2. Generic procedures
Intro to Compare and Merge Features