Provides the Tabbed Properties framework. This allows client views and editors to
provide a tabbed property sheet page to the Properties view.
See TabbedPropertySheetPage.
The tabs and sections to show for the selected element(s) in the source part are
defined by extensions to this plug-in's extension points.
ClassDescriptionAn abstract implementation of a section in a tab that overrides the tabs that are provided by the tabbed property registry with a new list of tabs.An abstract implementation of a section in a tab in the tabbed property sheet page.An abstract implementation of a section descriptor for the tabbed property view.An abstract implementation of a tab descriptor for the tabbed property view.Default implementation of a type mapper.An advanced section that is intended to show the original table format properties view provided by base Eclipse.Allows a tabbed properties view to make contributions to action bars.Represents a list of tabs.A content provider for the tabbed property sheet page's list of tabs.Represents a section of properties for a given input.Represents a section descriptor on the tabbed property sections extensions.Represents a section descriptor provider for tabbed property sections.Constants used by the implementors of ITabbedPropertySection.Interface for a workbench part to contribute content to the tabbed property view.Represents a tab descriptor for the tabbed property view.Represents a tab descriptor provider for the tabbed property view.Represents a tab to be displayed in the tab list in the tabbed property sheet page.A listener interested in tab selection events that occur for the tabbed property sheet page.Allows property sheet page contributors to map the input object type to a domain model type.A property sheet page that provides a tabbed UI.A FormToolkit customized for use by tabbed property sheet page.A property tab is composed by one or more property sections and is used to categorize sections.