Class SourceViewerDecorationSupport


public class SourceViewerDecorationSupport extends Object
Support class used by text editors to draw and update decorations on the source viewer and its rulers. An instance of this class is independent of a certain editor and must be configured with the needed preference keys and helper objects before it can be used.

Once configured, an instance may be installed (see install) on a preference store, from then on monitoring the configured preference settings and changing the respective decorations. Calling uninstall will unregister the listeners with the preferences store and must be called before changing the preference store by another call to install.
dispose will uninstall the support and remove any decorations from the viewer. It is okay to reuse a SourceViewerDecorationSupport instance after disposing it.

SourceViewerDecorationSupport can draw the following decorations:

  • matching character highlighting,
  • current line highlighting,
  • print margin, and
  • annotations.

Annotations are managed for the overview ruler and also drawn onto the text widget by an AnnotationPainter instance.

Subclasses may add decorations but should adhere to the lifecyle described above.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • SourceViewerDecorationSupport

      public SourceViewerDecorationSupport(ISourceViewer sourceViewer, IOverviewRuler overviewRuler, IAnnotationAccess annotationAccess, ISharedTextColors sharedTextColors)
      Creates a new decoration support for the given viewer.
      sourceViewer - the source viewer
      overviewRuler - the viewer's overview ruler
      annotationAccess - the annotation access
      sharedTextColors - the shared text color manager
  • Method Details

    • install

      public void install(IPreferenceStore store)
      Installs this decoration support on the given preference store. It assumes that this support has completely been configured.
      store - the preference store
    • updateOverviewDecorations

      public void updateOverviewDecorations()
      Updates the annotation overview for all configured annotation types.
    • uninstall

      public void uninstall()
      Uninstalls this support from the preference store it has previously been installed on. If there is no such preference store, this call is without effect.
    • dispose

      public void dispose()
      Disposes this decoration support. Internally calls uninstall.
    • setCharacterPairMatcher

      public void setCharacterPairMatcher(ICharacterPairMatcher pairMatcher)
      Sets the character pair matcher for the matching character painter.
      pairMatcher - the character pair matcher
    • setAnnotationPainterPreferenceKeys

      public void setAnnotationPainterPreferenceKeys(Object type, String colorKey, String editorKey, String overviewRulerKey, int layer)
      Sets the preference keys for the annotation painter.
      type - the annotation type
      colorKey - the preference key for the color
      editorKey - the preference key for the presentation in the text area
      overviewRulerKey - the preference key for the presentation in the overview ruler
      layer - the layer
    • setAnnotationPreference

      public void setAnnotationPreference(AnnotationPreference info)
      Sets the preference info for the annotation painter.
      info - the preference info to be set
    • setCursorLinePainterPreferenceKeys

      public void setCursorLinePainterPreferenceKeys(String enableKey, String colorKey)
      Sets the preference keys for the cursor line painter.
      enableKey - the preference key for the cursor line painter
      colorKey - the preference key for the color used by the cursor line painter
    • setMarginPainterPreferenceKeys

      public void setMarginPainterPreferenceKeys(String enableKey, String colorKey, String columnKey)
      Sets the preference keys for the margin painter.
      enableKey - the preference key for the margin painter
      colorKey - the preference key for the color used by the margin painter
      columnKey - the preference key for the margin column
    • setMatchingCharacterPainterPreferenceKeys

      public void setMatchingCharacterPainterPreferenceKeys(String enableKey, String colorKey)
      Sets the preference keys for the matching character painter.

      Use setMatchingCharacterPainterPreferenceKeys(String, String, String, String) if highlighting of character at caret location or enclosing peer characters is required.

      enableKey - the preference key for the matching character painter
      colorKey - the preference key for the color used by the matching character painter
    • setMatchingCharacterPainterPreferenceKeys

      public void setMatchingCharacterPainterPreferenceKeys(String enableKey, String colorKey, String highlightCharacterAtCaretLocationKey, String enclosingPeerCharactersKey)
      Sets the preference keys for the matching character painter.
      enableKey - the preference key for the matching character painter
      colorKey - the preference key for the color used by the matching character painter
      highlightCharacterAtCaretLocationKey - the preference key for highlighting character at caret location
      enclosingPeerCharactersKey - the preference key for highlighting enclosing peer characters
    • setSymbolicFontName

      @Deprecated public void setSymbolicFontName(String symbolicFontName)
      As of 4.8, this is no longer used
      Sets the symbolic font name that is used for computing the margin width.
      symbolicFontName - the symbolic font name
    • handlePreferenceStoreChanged

      protected void handlePreferenceStoreChanged(PropertyChangeEvent event)
    • createAnnotationPainter

      protected AnnotationPainter createAnnotationPainter()
      Creates and configures the annotation painter and configures.
      an annotation painter
    • hideAnnotationOverview

      public void hideAnnotationOverview()
      Hides the annotation overview.