Interface IKeyConfiguration

All Superinterfaces:

@Deprecated public interface IKeyConfiguration extends Comparable
Please use the bindings support in the "org.eclipse.jface" plug-in instead. This API is scheduled for deletion, see Bug 431177 for details

An instance of IKeyConfiguration is a handle representing a key configuration as defined by the extension point org.eclipse.ui.commands. The identifier of the handle is identifier of the key configuration being represented.

An instance of IKeyConfiguration can be obtained from an instance of ICommandManager for any identifier, whether or not a key configuration with that identifier defined in the plugin registry.

The handle-based nature of this API allows it to work well with runtime plugin activation and deactivation. If a key configuration is defined, that means that its corresponding plug-in is active. If the plug-in is then deactivated, the configuration will still exist but it will be undefined. An attempt to use an undefined key configuration will result in a NotDefinedException being thrown.

This interface is not intended to be extended or implemented by clients.

See Also:
This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
This interface is not intended to be extended by clients.
This interface is scheduled for deletion.
  • Method Details

    • addKeyConfigurationListener

      @Deprecated void addKeyConfigurationListener(IKeyConfigurationListener keyConfigurationListener)
      Registers an instance of IKeyConfigurationListener to listen for changes to attributes of this instance.
      keyConfigurationListener - the instance of IKeyConfigurationListener to register. Must not be null. If an attempt is made to register an instance of IKeyConfigurationListener which is already registered with this instance, no operation is performed.
    • getDescription

      @Deprecated String getDescription() throws NotDefinedException

      Returns the description of the key configuration represented by this handle, suitable for display to the user.

      Notification is sent to all registered listeners if this attribute changes.

      the description of the key configuration represented by this handle. Guaranteed not to be null.
      NotDefinedException - if the key configuration represented by this handle is not defined.
    • getId

      Returns the identifier of this handle.
      the identifier of this handle. Guaranteed not to be null.
    • getName


      Returns the name of the key configuration represented by this handle, suitable for display to the user.

      Notification is sent to all registered listeners if this attribute changes.

      the name of the key configuration represented by this handle. Guaranteed not to be null.
      NotDefinedException - if the key configuration represented by this handle is not defined.
    • getParentId

      @Deprecated String getParentId() throws NotDefinedException

      Returns the identifier of the parent of the key configuration represented by this handle.

      Notification is sent to all registered listeners if this attribute changes.

      the identifier of the parent of the key configuration represented by this handle. May be null.
      NotDefinedException - if the key configuration represented by this handle is not defined.
    • isActive

      @Deprecated boolean isActive()

      Returns whether or not this command is active. Instances of ICommand are activated and deactivated by the instance of ICommandManager from whence they were brokered.

      Notification is sent to all registered listeners if this attribute changes.

      true, iff this command is active.
    • isDefined

      @Deprecated boolean isDefined()

      Returns whether or not the key configuration represented by this handle is defined.

      Notification is sent to all registered listeners if this attribute changes.

      true, iff the key configuration represented by this handle is defined.
    • removeKeyConfigurationListener

      @Deprecated void removeKeyConfigurationListener(IKeyConfigurationListener keyConfigurationListener)
      Unregisters an instance of IKeyConfigurationListener listening for changes to attributes of this instance.
      keyConfigurationListener - the instance of IKeyConfigurationListener to unregister. Must not be null. If an attempt is made to unregister an instance of IKeyConfigurationListener which is not already registered with this instance, no operation is performed.