Class WorkbenchWindowAdvisor


public class WorkbenchWindowAdvisor extends Object
Public base class for configuring a workbench window.

The workbench window advisor object is created in response to a workbench window being created (one per window), and is used to configure the window.

An application should declare a subclass of WorkbenchWindowAdvisor and override methods to configure workbench windows to suit the needs of the particular application.

The following advisor methods are called at strategic points in the workbench window's lifecycle (as with the workbench advisor, all occur within the dynamic scope of the call to PlatformUI.createAndRunWorkbench):

  • preWindowOpen - called as the window is being opened; use to configure aspects of the window other than actions bars
  • postWindowRestore - called after the window has been recreated from a previously saved state; use to adjust the restored window
  • postWindowCreate - called after the window has been created, either from an initial state or from a restored state; used to adjust the window
  • openIntro - called immediately before the window is opened in order to create the introduction component, if any.
  • postWindowOpen - called after the window has been opened; use to hook window listeners, etc.
  • preWindowShellClose - called when the window's shell is closed by the user; use to pre-screen window closings
  • Constructor Details

    • WorkbenchWindowAdvisor

      public WorkbenchWindowAdvisor(IWorkbenchWindowConfigurer configurer)
      Creates a new workbench window advisor for configuring a workbench window via the given workbench window configurer.
      configurer - an object for configuring the workbench window
  • Method Details

    • getWindowConfigurer

      protected IWorkbenchWindowConfigurer getWindowConfigurer()
      Returns the workbench window configurer.
      the workbench window configurer
    • preWindowOpen

      public void preWindowOpen()
      Performs arbitrary actions before the window is opened.

      This method is called before the window's controls have been created. Clients must not call this method directly (although super calls are okay). The default implementation does nothing. Subclasses may override. Typical clients will use the window configurer to tweak the workbench window in an application-specific way; however, filling the window's menu bar, tool bar, and status line must be done in ActionBarAdvisor.fillActionBars(int), which is called immediately after this method is called.

    • createActionBarAdvisor

      public ActionBarAdvisor createActionBarAdvisor(IActionBarConfigurer configurer)
      Creates a new action bar advisor to configure the action bars of the window via the given action bar configurer. The default implementation returns a new instance of ActionBarAdvisor.
      configurer - the action bar configurer for the window
      the action bar advisor for the window
    • postWindowRestore

      public void postWindowRestore() throws WorkbenchException
      Performs arbitrary actions after the window has been restored, but before it is opened.

      This method is called after a previously-saved window has been recreated. This method is not called when a new window is created from scratch. This method is never called when a workbench is started for the very first time, or when workbench state is not saved or restored. Clients must not call this method directly (although super calls are okay). The default implementation does nothing. Subclasses may override. It is okay to call IWorkbench.close() from this method.

      WorkbenchException - thrown if there are any errors to report from post-restoration of the window
    • cleanUpEditorArea

      protected void cleanUpEditorArea()
      Close any empty editor stacks that may have been left open when the Workbench Window shut down. May be called from postWindowRestore() in the subclass but is not called by default.
    • openIntro

      public void openIntro()
      Opens the introduction componenet.

      Clients must not call this method directly (although super calls are okay). The default implementation opens the intro in the first window provided if the preference IWorkbenchPreferences.SHOW_INTRO is true. If an intro is shown then this preference will be set to false. Subsequently, and intro will be shown only if WorkbenchConfigurer.getSaveAndRestore() returns true and the introduction was visible on last shutdown. Subclasses may override.

    • postWindowCreate

      public void postWindowCreate()
      Performs arbitrary actions after the window has been created (possibly after being restored), but has not yet been opened.

      This method is called after the window has been created from scratch, or when it has been restored from a previously-saved window. In the latter case, this method is called after postWindowRestore. Clients must not call this method directly (although super calls are okay). The default implementation does nothing. Subclasses may override.

    • postWindowOpen

      public void postWindowOpen()
      Performs arbitrary actions after the window has been opened (possibly after being restored).

      This method is called after the window has been opened. This method is called after the window has been created from scratch, or when it has been restored from a previously-saved window. Clients must not call this method directly (although super calls are okay). The default implementation does nothing. Subclasses may override.

    • preWindowShellClose

      public boolean preWindowShellClose()
      Performs arbitrary actions as the window's shell is being closed directly, and possibly veto the close.

      This method is called from a ShellListener associated with the window, for example when the user clicks the window's close button. It is not called when the window is being closed for other reasons, such as if the user exits the workbench via the ActionFactory.QUIT action. Clients must not call this method directly (although super calls are okay). If this method returns false, then the user's request to close the shell is ignored. This gives the workbench advisor an opportunity to query the user and/or veto the closing of a window under some circumstances.

      true to allow the window to close, and false to prevent the window from closing
      See Also:
    • postWindowClose

      public void postWindowClose()
      Performs arbitrary actions after the window is closed.

      This method is called after the window's controls have been disposed. Clients must not call this method directly (although super calls are okay). The default implementation does nothing. Subclasses may override.

    • createWindowContents

      @Deprecated public void createWindowContents(Shell shell)
      This method is no longer used. Applications now define workbench window contents in their application model.
      Creates the contents of the window.

      The default implementation adds a menu bar, a cool bar, a status line, a perspective bar, and a fast view bar. The visibility of these controls can be configured using the setShow* methods on IWorkbenchWindowConfigurer.

      Subclasses may override to define custom window contents and layout, but must call IWorkbenchWindowConfigurer.createPageComposite.

      shell - the window's shell
    • createEmptyWindowContents

      @Deprecated public Control createEmptyWindowContents(Composite parent)
      This method is no longer used. Applications now define workbench window contents in their application model.
      Creates and returns the control to be shown when the window has no open pages. If null is returned, the default window background is shown.

      The default implementation returns null. Subclasses may override.

      parent - the parent composite
      the control or null
    • isDurableFolder

      public boolean isDurableFolder(String perspectiveId, String folderId)
      Returns true if the given folder in the given perspective should remain visible even after all parts in it have been closed by the user. The default is false. The return value for a certain combination of perspective id and folder id must not change over time.
      perspectiveId - the perspective id
      folderId - the folder id
      true if the given folder should be durable
    • dispose

      public void dispose()
      Disposes any resources allocated by this window advisor. This is the last method called on this window advisor by the workbench. The default implementation does nothing. Subclasses may extend.
    • saveState

      public IStatus saveState(IMemento memento)
      Saves arbitrary application specific state information.
      memento - the storage area for object's state
      a status object indicating whether the save was successful
    • restoreState

      public IStatus restoreState(IMemento memento)
      Restores arbitrary application specific state information.
      memento - the storage area for object's state
      a status object indicating whether the restore was successful