Class CopyingRangeMarker


public final class CopyingRangeMarker extends TextEdit
A CopyingRangeMarker can be used to track positions when executing text edits. Additionally a copying range marker stores a local copy of the text it captures when it gets executed.
  • Constructor Details

    • CopyingRangeMarker

      public CopyingRangeMarker(int offset, int length)
      Creates a new CopyRangeMarker for the given offset and length.
      offset - the marker's offset
      length - the marker's length
  • Method Details

    • doCopy

      protected TextEdit doCopy()
      Description copied from class: TextEdit
      Creates and returns a copy of this edit. The copy method should be implemented in a way so that the copy can executed without causing any harm to the original edit. Implementors of this method are responsible for creating deep or shallow copies of referenced object to fulfill this requirement.

      Implementers of this method should use the copy constructor Edit#Edit(Edit source) to initialize the edit part of the copy. Implementors aren't responsible to actually copy the children or to set the right parent.

      This method should not be called from outside the framework. Please use copy to create a copy of a edit tree.
      Specified by:
      doCopy in class TextEdit
      a copy of this edit.
      See Also:
    • accept0

      protected void accept0(TextEditVisitor visitor)
      Description copied from class: TextEdit
      Accepts the given visitor on a type-specific visit of the current edit. This method must be implemented in all concrete text edits.

      General template for implementation on each concrete TextEdit class:

       boolean visitChildren= visitor.visit(this);
       if (visitChildren) {
      Note that the caller (accept) takes care of invoking visitor.preVisit(this) and visitor.postVisit(this).
      Specified by:
      accept0 in class TextEdit
      visitor - the visitor object