Class UndoManagerAdapter

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class UndoManagerAdapter extends Object implements IUndoManagerListener
This adapter class provides default implementations for the methods defined by the IUndoManagerListener interface.

This class may be subclassed by clients.

  • Constructor Details

    • UndoManagerAdapter

      public UndoManagerAdapter()
  • Method Details

    • undoStackChanged

      public void undoStackChanged(IUndoManager manager)
      Description copied from interface: IUndoManagerListener
      This method is called by the undo manager if the undo stack has changed (for example a undo object got added or the undo stack got flushed).
      Specified by:
      undoStackChanged in interface IUndoManagerListener
      manager - the manager this listener is registered to
    • redoStackChanged

      public void redoStackChanged(IUndoManager manager)
      Description copied from interface: IUndoManagerListener
      This method is called by the undo manager if the redo stack has changed (for example a redo object got added or the redo stack got flushed).
      Specified by:
      redoStackChanged in interface IUndoManagerListener
      manager - the manager this listener is registered to
    • aboutToPerformChange

      public void aboutToPerformChange(IUndoManager manager, Change change)
      Description copied from interface: IUndoManagerListener
      This method gets called by the undo manager if a change gets executed in the context of the undo manager.
      Specified by:
      aboutToPerformChange in interface IUndoManagerListener
      manager - the manager this listener is registered to
      change - the change to be executed
    • changePerformed

      public void changePerformed(IUndoManager manager, Change change)
      Description copied from interface: IUndoManagerListener
      This method gets called by the undo manager when a change has been executed in the context of the undo manager.
      Specified by:
      changePerformed in interface IUndoManagerListener
      manager - the manager this listener is registered to
      change - the change that has been executed