Class ViewerFilter

Direct Known Subclasses:
PatternFilter, ResourceWorkingSetFilter

public abstract class ViewerFilter extends Object
A viewer filter is used by a structured viewer to extract a subset of elements provided by its content provider.

Subclasses must implement the select method and may implement the isFilterProperty method.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ViewerFilter

      protected ViewerFilter()
      Creates a new viewer filter.
  • Method Details

    • filter

      public Object[] filter(Viewer viewer, Object parent, Object[] elements)
      Filters the given elements for the given viewer. The input array is not modified.

      The default implementation of this method calls select on each element in the array, and returns only those elements for which select returns true.

      viewer - the viewer
      parent - the parent element
      elements - the elements to filter
      the filtered elements
    • filter

      public Object[] filter(Viewer viewer, TreePath parentPath, Object[] elements)
      Filters the given elements for the given viewer. The input array is not modified.

      The default implementation of this method calls filter(Viewer, Object, Object[]) with the parent from the path. Subclasses may override

      viewer - the viewer
      parentPath - the path of the parent element
      elements - the elements to filter
      the filtered elements
    • isFilterProperty

      public boolean isFilterProperty(Object element, String property)
      Returns whether this viewer filter would be affected by a change to the given property of the given element.

      The default implementation of this method returns false. Subclasses should reimplement.

      element - the element
      property - the property
      true if the filtering would be affected, and false if it would be unaffected
    • select

      public abstract boolean select(Viewer viewer, Object parentElement, Object element)
      Returns whether the given element makes it through this filter.
      viewer - the viewer
      parentElement - the parent element
      element - the element
      true if element is included in the filtered set, and false if excluded