Class ProjectionDocument

All Implemented Interfaces:
IDocument, IDocumentExtension, IDocumentExtension2, IDocumentExtension3, IDocumentExtension4, IRepairableDocument, IRepairableDocumentExtension
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class ProjectionDocument extends AbstractDocument
A ProjectionDocument represents a projection of its master document. The contents of a projection document is a sequence of fragments of the master document, i.e. the projection document can be thought as being constructed from the master document by not copying the whole master document but omitting several ranges of the master document.

The projection document indirectly utilizes its master document as ITextStore by means of a ProjectionTextStore.

The content of a projection document can be changed in two ways. Either by a text replace applied to the master document or the projection document. Or by changing the projection between the master document and the projection document. For the latter the two methods addMasterDocumentRange and removeMasterDocumentRange are provided. For any manipulation, the projection document sends out a ProjectionDocumentEvent describing the change.

Clients are not supposed to directly instantiate this class. In order to obtain a projection document, a ProjectionDocumentManagershould be used. This class is not intended to be subclassed outside of its origin package.

This class is not intended to be subclassed by clients.
This class is not intended to be instantiated by clients.
  • Constructor Details

    • ProjectionDocument

      public ProjectionDocument(IDocument masterDocument)
      Creates a projection document for the given master document.
      masterDocument - the master document
  • Method Details

    • dispose

      public void dispose()
      Disposes this projection document.
    • getFragments

      protected final Position[] getFragments()
      Returns the fragments of the master documents.
      the fragment of the master document
    • getSegments

      protected final Position[] getSegments()
      Returns the segments of this projection document.
      the segments of this projection document
    • getProjectionMapping

      @Deprecated public ProjectionMapping getProjectionMapping()
      As of 3.4, replaced by getDocumentInformationMapping()
      Returns the projection mapping used by this document.
      the projection mapping used by this document
    • getDocumentInformationMapping

      public IDocumentInformationMapping getDocumentInformationMapping()
      Returns the projection mapping used by this document.
      the projection mapping used by this document
    • getMasterDocument

      public IDocument getMasterDocument()
      Returns the master document of this projection document.
      the master document of this projection document
    • getDefaultLineDelimiter

      public String getDefaultLineDelimiter()
      Description copied from interface: IDocumentExtension4
      Returns this document's default line delimiter.

      This default line delimiter should be used by clients who want unique delimiters (e.g. 'CR's) in the document.

      Specified by:
      getDefaultLineDelimiter in interface IDocumentExtension4
      getDefaultLineDelimiter in class AbstractDocument
      the default line delimiter or null if none
    • computeUnprojectedMasterRegions

      public final IRegion[] computeUnprojectedMasterRegions(int offsetInMaster, int lengthInMaster) throws BadLocationException
      Returns the sequence of all master document regions which are contained in the given master document range and which are not yet part of this projection document.
      offsetInMaster - the range offset in the master document
      lengthInMaster - the range length in the master document
      the sequence of regions which are not yet part of the projection document
      BadLocationException - in case the given range is invalid in the master document
    • addMasterDocumentRange

      public void addMasterDocumentRange(int offsetInMaster, int lengthInMaster) throws BadLocationException
      Ensures that the given range of the master document is part of this projection document.
      offsetInMaster - the offset of the master document range
      lengthInMaster - the length of the master document range
      BadLocationException - in case the master event is not valid
    • removeMasterDocumentRange

      public void removeMasterDocumentRange(int offsetInMaster, int lengthInMaster) throws BadLocationException
      Ensures that the given range of the master document is not part of this projection document.
      offsetInMaster - the offset of the master document range
      lengthInMaster - the length of the master document range
      BadLocationException - in case the master event is not valid
    • computeProjectedMasterRegions

      public final IRegion[] computeProjectedMasterRegions(int offsetInMaster, int lengthInMaster) throws BadLocationException
      Returns the sequence of all master document regions with are contained in the given master document range and which are part of this projection document. May return null if no such regions exist.
      offsetInMaster - the range offset in the master document
      lengthInMaster - the range length in the master document
      the sequence of regions which are part of the projection document or null
      BadLocationException - in case the given range is invalid in the master document
    • isUpdating

      protected boolean isUpdating()
      Returns whether this projection is being updated.
      true if the document is updating
    • replace

      public void replace(int offset, int length, String text) throws BadLocationException
      Description copied from interface: IDocument
      Substitutes the given text for the specified document range. Sends a DocumentEvent to all registered IDocumentListener.
      Specified by:
      replace in interface IDocument
      replace in class AbstractDocument
      offset - the document offset
      length - the length of the specified range
      text - the substitution text
      BadLocationException - if the offset is invalid in this document
      See Also:
    • set

      public void set(String text)
      Description copied from interface: IDocument
      Replaces the content of the document with the given text. Sends a DocumentEvent to all registered IDocumentListener. This method is a convenience method for replace(0, getLength(), text).
      Specified by:
      set in interface IDocument
      set in class AbstractDocument
      text - the new content of the document
      See Also:
    • adaptProjectionToMasterChange

      protected final boolean adaptProjectionToMasterChange(DocumentEvent masterEvent) throws BadLocationException
      Ensures that when the master event affects this projection document, that the whole region described by the event is part of this projection document.
      masterEvent - the master document event
      true if masterEvent affects this projection document
      BadLocationException - in case the master event is not valid
    • masterDocumentAboutToBeChanged

      public void masterDocumentAboutToBeChanged(DocumentEvent masterEvent)
      When called, this projection document is informed about a forthcoming change of its master document. This projection document checks whether the master document change affects it and if so informs all document listeners.
      masterEvent - the master document event
    • masterDocumentChanged

      public void masterDocumentChanged(DocumentEvent masterEvent)
      When called, this projection document is informed about a change of its master document. If this projection document is affected it informs all of its document listeners.
      masterEvent - the master document event
    • fireDocumentAboutToBeChanged

      protected void fireDocumentAboutToBeChanged(DocumentEvent event)
      Description copied from class: AbstractDocument
      Fires the given document event to all registers document listeners informing them about the forthcoming document manipulation. Uses a robust iterator.
      fireDocumentAboutToBeChanged in class AbstractDocument
      event - the event to be sent out
    • fireDocumentChanged

      protected void fireDocumentChanged(DocumentEvent event)
      Ignores the given event and sends the semantically equal slave document event instead.
      fireDocumentChanged in class AbstractDocument
      event - the event to be ignored
    • updateDocumentStructures

      protected void updateDocumentStructures(DocumentEvent event)
      Description copied from class: AbstractDocument
      Updates document partitioning and document positions according to the specification given by the document event.
      updateDocumentStructures in class AbstractDocument
      event - the document event describing the change to which structures must be adapted
    • registerPostNotificationReplace

      public void registerPostNotificationReplace(IDocumentListener owner, IDocumentExtension.IReplace replace)
      Description copied from interface: IDocumentExtension
      Callback for document listeners to be used inside documentChanged to register a post notification replace operation on the document notifying them.
      Specified by:
      registerPostNotificationReplace in interface IDocumentExtension
      registerPostNotificationReplace in class AbstractDocument
      owner - the owner of the replace operation
      replace - the replace operation to be executed
    • setAutoExpandMode

      public void setAutoExpandMode(boolean autoExpandMode)
      Sets the auto expand mode for this document.
      autoExpandMode - true if auto-expanding
    • replaceMasterDocumentRanges

      public void replaceMasterDocumentRanges(int offsetInMaster, int lengthInMaster) throws BadLocationException
      Replaces all master document ranges with the given master document range.
      offsetInMaster - the offset in the master document
      lengthInMaster - the length in the master document
      BadLocationException - if the given range of the master document is not valid