Interface MPlaceholder

All Superinterfaces:
MApplicationElement, MLocalizable, MPartSashContainerElement, MStackElement, MUIElement

public interface MPlaceholder extends MPartSashContainerElement, MStackElement
A representation of the model object 'Placeholder'.

A Placeholder is a concrete class used to share elements between perspectives. The elements referenced by a Placeholder generally exist in the Window's 'sharedElements' list. By convention a placeholder usually shares the same elementId as the element that it's referencing.

This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.

The following features are supported:

  • Method Details

    • getRef

      MUIElement getRef()
      Returns the value of the 'Ref' reference.

      The reference to the actual UI element that this Placeholder is acting as a proxy for.

      the value of the 'Ref' reference.
      See Also:
    • setRef

      void setRef(MUIElement value)
      Sets the value of the 'Ref' reference.
      value - the new value of the 'Ref' reference.
      See Also:
    • isCloseable

      boolean isCloseable()
      Returns the value of the 'Closeable' attribute. The default value is "false".

      Determines whether the element (usually a Part) referenced by this Placeholder can be closed by the User. This allows a Part to be closeable in one perspective but not closeable in a different one.

      the value of the 'Closeable' attribute.
      See Also:
    • setCloseable

      void setCloseable(boolean value)
      Sets the value of the 'Closeable' attribute.
      value - the new value of the 'Closeable' attribute.
      See Also: