Class ExtendedObjectSupplier


public abstract class ExtendedObjectSupplier extends Object
The base class for an "object supplier" - something that knows how to instantiate objects corresponding to the object descriptor. Extended object suppliers work as a part of an injector, filling in values that primary suppliers don't know about.

If the supplier is asked to track changes, it should notify requestor whenever any of the objects produced by the get(IObjectDescriptor, IRequestor, boolean, boolean) method change. The supplier can do this by performing calls to the IRequestor.resolveArguments(boolean) and IRequestor.execute().

See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ExtendedObjectSupplier

      public ExtendedObjectSupplier()
      Constructs a new instance of an extended object supplier.
  • Method Details

    • get

      public abstract Object get(IObjectDescriptor descriptor, IRequestor requestor, boolean track, boolean group)
      This method is called by the dependency injection mechanism to obtain an object corresponding to the object descriptor. If the supplier is asked to track changes, it should notify requestor whenever it detects a change that would result in a different result produced by this method.
      descriptor - descriptor of the object requested by the requestor
      requestor - the originator of this request
      track - true if the object suppliers should notify requestor of changes to the returned objects; false otherwise
      group - true if the change notifications can be grouped; false otherwise
      object corresponding to the object descriptor