
As mentioned previously, the createrepo tool is used in creating repositories from a set of RPMs. Eclipse allows use of this functionality in a visual and interactive environment. The following screenshot shows the createrepo tool in action:

Creating a Repository

To get started, user must first create a Createrepo project via File > New > Other... and selecting Createrepo Wizard under the Createrepo category. You will be provided with a general project creation dialog that allows you to: 1) specify a project name; 2) specify the location in which to save the project.

After specifying the name (and optionally the location), the user may click Next which will bring them to the .repo file initialization page:

This page creates the .repo file that allows the repository to be known to yum. There are three mandatory parts that are required to be filled before moving on:

Repo ID
A one-word string that uniquely identifies the yum repository
A human-readable string describing the repository
Base URL
A URL to the directory where the repodata directory of a repository is located

Once these fields are filled, user can now click Finish and the Createrepo project should be initialized with an empty content folder and a .repo file with the same contents as what was filled in the wizard.

Getting Familiar with the Editor

There are 3 pages to the Createrepo editor:

Repository Page

This page manages the RPMs that the user will be creating a repository for. It allows the user to choose the RPMs they want to create a repository for and also execute the createrepo command to create the repository.

1 RPM list box
This box contains an always up-to-date listing of the RPMs within the content folder; in other words, it contains the RPMs that the user will be creating a repository for. The user may also drop RPMs onto this box which would serve the same purpose as the Import RPMs button
2 Import RPMs
Executing this button allows the user to import RPMs from the file system
3 Remove RPMs
All selected RPMs within the list will be removed. These files are also deleted from the content folder
4 Create Repo
Execute the createrepo command in the content folder. This will take command arguments as specified by the user in the preference pages. The RPM list can be empty when executing
5 Update
A createrepo execution with the --update command switch passed into it
6 Createrepo
Same functionality as the Create Repo button, but available on the other pages as well
7 Createrepo Console
Displays a verbose output of the execution

Metadata Page

This page manages the repository tags and revision number when the metadata is being generated. All new data placed into this page will be persisted on the next execution.

Similarly to the Repository page, this page also contains the Update and Createrepo buttons which execute the same way.

1 Revision
An arbitrary string for a repository revision
2 Tag
The text field in which the user specifies a tag name to add into a category
3 Category and Tags list box
Repositories can have tags for distro, content, and repo. There can be as many tags as the user specifies, but they must be unique in respect to the tags within the category they belong to
4 Add
Add the tag specified into the category selected. Unique tags are enforced, meaning that tags that already exist within the category cannot be added again. Categories cannot be added
5 Edit
Edit the selected tag in the list with the tag specified in the tag text field. Similar to Add , edited tags must be unique in the category. Categories cannot be edited
6 Remove
Remove the selected tag in the list. Categories cannot be removed

Repo Editor

This is a simple text editor that allows the user to modify the .repo file's contents.

1 Editor
Modify the contents of the .repo file