Creating or editing a run/debug configuration

While the Stand-alone Debugger creates a run/debug configuration for you automatically, advanced users or those familiar with the full C/C++ IDE may wish to create and run their own configuration. You may think of a run configuration as a subset of the debug configuration whereby the application is run without stopping for breakpoints/etc.. All the common settings are shared. You can create a run configure a run environment with which to run your application.

The Run and Debug pages of the configuration wizard contain the following tabs:

Run and Debug tabs

You will use these tabs to customize your run and debug configurations.

The following topics explain how to create a run or debug configuration:

Selecting a run or debug configuration
Creating a run or debug configuration
Selecting an application to run or debug
Specifying execution arguments
Setting environment variables
Defining debug settings
Specifying the location of source files
Specifying the location of the run configuration

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