Model RealTime 12.0.2

176636: Tables are not getting refreshed automatically in docked properties view

The tables in the docked properties view were not refreshed automatically when there are changes. An explicit click on the table was required to refresh the view. This has now been resolved.

176611: Escaped XML in headers converts to corrupted CDATA code

Previously under some conditions end of line (EOL) characters could be wrongly removed from CDATA sections of model files, it could happen e.g. during merge operations. This issue has been fixed, the EOL characters used are controlled by the preference Modeling -> Line breaks in CDATA. If option "Same as in model file" is used and it is not possible to derive the EOL characters from the model file the value of the preference General->Workspace->New text file line delimiter is be used.

176597: ModelRT 12.0.1 on macOS Sonoma won't generate code

In some cases code generator failed to generate code with java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "" because "node" is null.
For example, this happened when nested type was referenced as a dependency and its owning type was not included into transformation configuration as sources; or when not all types from a package were included into transformation configuration as sources, but one of the types from that package was used in native type expression.
This problem has been fixed.

176589: Run active transformation dialog appears even after execution of code to model sync in the snippet editor

When an operation with a body is made pure virtual, and the body is removed, then the Run Active Transformation Configuration dialog could be incorrectly shown. This issue has been resolved now.

176588: Contents from source file loaded into code snippet

Fixed the issue with the random contents from the source file sometimes being loaded into the code snippet editors.

176586: Build variant only works with the full path not with workspaceloc reference

The preference for specifying a build variants script now supports the ${project_loc} variable which makes it possible to reference projects not located in the workspace folder.

176585: Provide script (or command) for conversion of models from 12.x to 11.x format

A script for converting 12.x model files to the file format required by older versions of Model RealTime is now available on the Utilities page in the Info Center.

176553: Return type shown incorrect

The return type of an operation can now be removed by simply removing the text in the Return Type field in the Properties view.

176549: Top capsule not found by Model Debugger

It's now possible to launch the model debugger on a TC that uses JavaScript expressions for defining TC properties.

176532: Newsletter for gRPC

173926: Model RealTime does not clear efx properly when switching between Abstract and non Abstract

When an operation with a body is made pure virtual you now have the option to either keep or remove the body by means of a new preference RealTime Development -> Properties View -> Remove body when making an operation pure virtual.

172943: ERROR : encoded string too long: 87498 bytes

With large tcjs files, UTFDataFormatException was thrown during transformation configuration evaluation. This has been fixed now.

155940: RFE: Bookmarks and tasks navigation improvement to allow exporting and sharing

The "Copy Element URI" command is now also available in the context menu of the Code Editor and Code View. It adds the current line number to the copied URI. If such a URI is used in the "Navigate by URI" command, the Code Editor will open and show that line. This makes it easier to share URIs that allow the recipient to not only navigate to a certain model element, but also to a line in a code snippet owned by a model element.
Furthermore, the "Copy Element URI" command in the context menu of the Project Explorer can now be used on type descriptor functions.