Model RealTime 11.1 2021.16

174564: Conflicting specifiers extern and static

Now extern specifier is not generated for type descriptor declaration corresponding to nested class with Manual type descriptor. It fixes compilation errors like this:
error: conflicting specifiers in declaration of 'RTType_MyNestedClass'

174555: constexpr definition not present in source cpp file

Definitions of constexpr class member attributes are also generated into C++ source file. This fixes unresolved reference linker errors when these variables must be available in the object file.

174533: Model RealTime should provide feedback during model loading that no license are available

Now problems with license are explicitly reported before "Load UML Models" command execution is started.

174505: User losing code changes during edit and build

Now "Save All" command ensures the changes done in the Code View are also saved.


Now RTSymmetricSignal.inl includes RTMessage.h to avoid a compilation error if RTSymmetricSignal is used in a context where RTMessage is not available.

174478: State diagram name for sub-states are showing only "State Diagram" as name in tab

Models imported from RoseRT can have "State Diagram" as diagram names. To address this apply fixup - 'Delete name for state chart diagrams called 'State Diagram' ' to get the default names that include capsule name and substate name.

164473: Possibility to compare generated code

Added a new feature - Code Preview. Now it is possible to quickly generate code for selected model elements or transformation configuration. Context menu command "Generate Code Preview" is available, as well as keyboard shortcut Alt + Shift + E. Generated code is placed under a separate special location controlled in global preferences. Previous version of files is maintained in *~ files and can be used with Eclipse Compare commands.