Model RealTime 11.0 2021.10

174468: Model RealTime model compiler server fails to renew license after borrow time expires

Build server has been enhanced to be able to renew the license from the license server if it has expired when the build has been started.

174166: Model Debugger: Enable full capsule tracing between two or more capsules

Now, traces captured for individually selected capsule include information about state activations, events sent and events received by that capsule.

173964: RFE: Creating templates as new UML objects

UI Improvements :
1. Capsule development view now facilitates context menu to create template parameters according to C++ standard
2. Simplified view of template parameters in Project Explorer
3. Property page UI of template parameters streamlined with other property pages
4. Analyze model and add missing dependencies now considers template parameters in the analysis

163919: RFE: Porter View

Now it can be visualized graphically how a protocol event can be routed in the composite structure of a capsule. The composite structure can be explored interactively by "Go Inside" and "Go Outside" commands on the ports to follow the communication paths.

99519: Smart navigation from code that sends an event, to the code snippet that is triggered when the event is received

The Event Routing Visualization feature now enables easy navigation from a place in the code where an event is sent to the transition(s) that may receive it. Use the "Visualize - Event Routing" command in the Code editor's context menu on a line that sends, invokes or replies an event. Then use the Event Routing diagram to find the receiving port, and invoke the "Find Triggers" command on it. Finally double-click on a found transition.