Model RealTime 11.0 2020.33

173887: Model RealTime 11 get stuck while adding dependency and then exception is thrown

Changed limit for search operation that caused hangings and high memory usage.

173885: Model RealTime multiple tabs crash

We have searched for current Properties view site to make sure site won't be disposed.

173812: "Open evaluated version" option for GENERIC TCJS sometimes doesn't work and it doesn't show any reason or error message

Added Model Compiler console where you can check details about Model Compiler server requests including error and warning messages and full command line.
Fixed in Model RealTime 11.0 2020.33

173811: "Clean transformation configurations..." toolbar option doesn't work when using Build Variants

Now "Clean transformation configurations…" toolbar option also works when build variants are enabled. Although there are some limitations: when there are several TCs for selection in the Clean dialog, "Build selected transformation configuration after clean" option will be disabled. The reason is Build Variants UI that should also be shown for building and a dialog can show build variants UI for only one TC at a time.
Also we have added "Select All" and "Deselect All" buttons to Build and Clean dialogs and ok-button is disabled if all files are deselected.

173748: cannot change KindInHeader or KindInImplementation

Property pages now are changeable for elements selected on a Browse diagram.

173641: CQPAR00249544 - Model RealTime: autoset override checkbox when overriding a member function

The Override checkbox is auto selected for redefined operations along with C++ code generation for override in suffix of such operations.

173634: CQPAR00248684 - Model RealTime: Use C++11 override keyword in generated code

The override keyword is now used in generated code for functions that override TargetRTS functions (getActorData, rtsBehavior etc).

173144: Stop using "
" characters as a new-line signs.

CDATA is now supported in the storage format to avoid this problem.

138514: CQPAR00183688 - Use CDATA to store code snippets inside model files

CDATA is now supported in the storage format to avoid this problem.

129206: Can we remove the Property Sets settings for protocols ?

Properties view for Protocols became cleaner due to removal of obsolete and unused controls.

99554: Use CDATA sections in model XML files for better storing of code snippets

It's now possible to use CDATA in model files to improve readability of code snippets.

81569: TR1019: Hard to know which properties of an object that will affect generated code, and how it will affect it

Now the user have access to wide range of Context sensitive dynamic help content for the Properties section.

77001: TR0927: Red text for console warning can be confusing

Now we use orange color for warnings in UML Development console.
Fixed in Model RealTime 11.0 2020.33