Model RealTime 11.0 2020.22

173715: C++11 support for in-class member initializes doesn't work properly

While using the C++ 11 in-class initializers set the Initializer Kind property to "Equal" or "Brace".

173700: CQPAR00250766 Model RealTime hangs when opening TC folder

In some cases Model RealTime was hanging when you click on virtual Transformation Configurations folder to expand TCs in the project. For example, this could happen when TC relationships are complex and contain inheritance and loops.
This problem has been fixed in Model RealTime 11.0 2020.22

173664: RFE: C++ 11 "final" modifier

C++ 11 feature of final is introduced to prevent inheritance/overriding of Classes, Capsules and Operations using Final checkbox and generate C++ Code.

173635: CQPAR00248809 - Libraries recompile due to different place in model hierarchy

Now if a prerequisite library has been built when building some topTC, it will not be rebuilt (if no changes) when starting a build from other top TC.
Fixed in Model RealTime 11.0 2020.22

173616: Usability issue: automatic binding of C++ Primitive types

Clean-up of packages with C++ primitive types has been done:
1) Obsolete 'C++ Types' package has been removed
2) Support for C language has been moved to a separate (optional) installation item Model RealTime Extra Functionality --> Model RealTime Support C
This includes CPrimitiveDatatypes package with C types, RTCClasses, RTCComponents packages, CPropertySets profile
3) 'unsigned' type was removed from CppPrimitiveDatatypes as it was a duplicate of 'unsigned int' type from the same package
Now, CppPrimitiveDatatypes package is the only package with C++ types that should be used.
Models containing references to obsolete types, packages or profiles can be fixed automatically by the following model fixups:
* Incorrect type references fixup
* Obsolete package import removal
* Obsolete profile application removal
Check here for more information about Model Fixup:
[Model RealTime documentation: Model Fixup Plugin.html](https://Model

173614: JS Syntax assistance in tcjs editor

TCJS Editor has been improved to highlight syntax errors on the Code tab. Now each time you save your changes, and if there are any syntax problems in your code, the line with syntax error will be highlighted with red and annotation with error message will appear on the left.
Also, problem markers with "TCJS Problem" type are created in Problems View, and you can also double click to navigate to the error position from Problems View.

173523: CQPAR00250767 Unable to fix broken references through the UI

Broken references can now be fixed either by rebinding them to other target elements, or by resetting (i.e. clearing) them. You can use the Quick Fix context menu command on a problem reported for a broken reference and choose either "Rebind Broken References" or "Clean Up Broken References". Note that these commands operate on all similar kinds of broken references at the same time which makes them convenient for fixing a large number of broken references. There is also a quick fix for rebinding an individual broken reference by manually searching or browsing to a new target element for it.
Read more about this feature in this article:
[Model RealTime documentation: Broken references.html](https://Model
This was delivered in 11.0 2020.22

173508: Model compiler translates auto variable to int variable

Now C++ code generator supports 'auto' type. Also 'auto' type has been added to CppPrimitiveDatatypes package and if you write 'auto' in the type field, it will be automatically bound to CppPrimitiveDatatypes::auto. Note, that attributes typed with 'auto' should be declared as static const or static constexpr and should have initializer kind = Equal or Brace.

173445: After a rebase model validation fails due to invalid tag in .efx

Fixed interface realization merge for non-workspace files.

173438: Auto merge tool for Model RealTime doesn't merge properly

Fixed a problem causing owned attributes to be lost during merge.

172919: CQPAR00246993 Git merge from a submodule corrupts model when refactoring by moving entities between projects

Broken references can now be fixed either by rebinding them to other target elements, or by resetting (i.e. clearing) them. You can use the Quick Fix context menu command on a problem reported for a broken reference and choose either "Rebind Broken References" or "Clean Up Broken References". Note that these commands operate on all similar kinds of broken references at the same time which makes them convenient for fixing a large number of broken references. There is also a quick fix for rebinding an individual broken reference by manually searching or browsing to a new target element for it.
Read more about this feature in this article:
[Model RealTime documentation: Broken references.html](https://Model