Model RealTime 10.3 2020.03

173410: Return type: unsigned int __stdcall

Return type "unsigned int __stdcall" is now supported.
__stdcall and other calling conventions are supported for CppPrimitiveDatatypes.

173368: Build Server has failed to start

Improved Model Compiler Server startup protocol, error reporting and logging. Extended await time for reply from server during startup. Added system property that can be used to specify maximum time in ms that the tool will wait for notification that server has been started

173327: CQPAR00247319 MC: Stop after first build error.

Now when building several TCs from one command line, model compiler will stop after first build error.
Added a new command line option --keepBuilding to continue building remaining TCs even if compilation failed for one of them. This was done in 10.3 2020.03

173237: CQPAR00247184 Build Server has failed to start with the following command

Fixed RTE Server and Model Compiler Server to start on localhost/ instead of to avoid being blocked by firewall.
Added printing information about IP address to workspace/.log :
!ENTRY 1 0 2020-01-13 22:32:40.682
!MESSAGE UMLMDDCorePlugin.startServers(): RTE Server started on localhost/ at port 60005
and mc.server.log:
13.Jan 22:38:49 MCS : Model Compiler Server: server running on localhost/ at port 60006
This was delviered in 10.3 2020.03

173202: RFE: C++11 support for rvalue reference

RValue references (&&) are supported now. Types like "MyClass &&" are correctly generated into target code. Custom move constructors and move assignments can be defined by creating UML Operations with the following signatures:
MyClass( MyClass&& param ); // move constructor
MyClass& operator=( MyClass&& param ); // move assignment

173051: CQPAR00244536 - Model debugger crashes in RTDaemon::eventMatches when using view Variables

Added synchronization to observability daemon.
This was delivered in 10.3 2020.03

135650: Possibility to reorder nested classes.

Now it possible to reorder nested types (Class, Interface and Enumerations) in dedicated property page for Capsules, Classes and Interfaces