Model RealTime 10.3 2019.35

173174: Model RealTime TargetRTS Wizard greys out the "Target", "Libset", or "Config" check boxes

Now Libset and Target is possible to edit when they are duplicated. Target and Libset from provided by tool configurations are not editable by design.

173153: CQPAR00246765 ALL_OBJS_LIST support in Model compiler

Detection of common definition ALL_OBJS_LIST = @$(ALL_OBJS_LISTFILE) in was broken in Model RealTime 10.3 and did not have any effect on generated link command (also object file names were generated without extension into *.olist file).
This problem has been fixed and if ALL_OBJS_LIST is defined as above in and GNU_make is selected, then generated link command will contain a reference to objects list file @*.olist, objects listed in the file will have correct extensions.
Delivered in Model RealTime 10.3 2019.35

173152: CQPAR00245848 - Implement separate Installation Unit for MC so that it can be installed in the installation directory

Earlier, the installation process could break if the Eclipse installation was write protected.
Now the installation will proceed and complete.
Any files that would have been written to the Eclipse folder can also be found in the plugins folder.
This refers to the Model Compiler, Target RTS and libraries.
This was done in 10.3 2019.35

173151: CQPAR00245849 - Have MC generate environment variables

Model Compiler now automatically computes values for variables RSA_RT_HOME and RSA_RT_TOOLS (RTToolsVariable) which are used in generated Makefiles. Computation is based on (in precedence order):
1) RSA_RT_HOME env variable or JVM property
2) Model RealTime_INSTALL env variable or JVM property
3) Location of modelcompiler.jar file. This was done in 10.3 2019.35

173146: CQPAR00245782 - Model RealTime: Prerequisite build of C++ external library not working with env variables

Improved handling of Build folder property for External Library TCs when it points to CDT project used for makefiles generation (support environment variables in Build folder and CDT configuration name, added support for platform:/resource references and full paths, implemented additional checks, fixed bug related to having a project with a specific name in workspace and failing to generate makefiles for external CDT project). Improved logging and error reporting when Generate makefile for external CDT project is used.
Delivered in Model RealTime 10.3 2019.35

173117: Not possible to build another variant of the TC after a successful build of previous variant

Building another variant of a TC after successful build of previous Build Variant did not trigger regeneration of code. This could lead to not updating build settings in generated makefiles, and also to errors like this:
WARNING : Unable to find '' at <path>
ERROR : Build folder <path> does not exist
This problem has been fixed and detection of build variant change was added. Now, you will get information message like this:
INFO : File digest : Detected change in build variants configuration
and code will be regenerated.
Delivered in Model RealTime 10.3 2019.35

173086: Find connected ports doesn't show all connected ports

Fixed Find Connected Ports for derived ports.

172975: CQPAR00244279 - Please add fully qualified state names in .cpp-files

We have added a new option "Generate fully qualified state names" to TCJS Code Generation tab, in Code: "tc.genFullyQualifiedStateNames = true;", false by default.
When turned on, Model Compiler will generate fully qualified state names into the rtg_state_names[] array like this:
static const char * const rtg_state_names[] =
{ "<machine>"
, "State1"
, "State1::Nested01"
, "State1::Nested01::doWork"
, "State1::Nested02"
, "State1::Nested02::doWork" };
So, getCurrentStateString() function will return fully qualified state names.
Released as non-experimental in 2019.35

172963: Too many parent objects in project explorer tree for TCJS

New default preference was introduced to hide parents and prerequisites folder.
Parent transformations are shown on top, and prerequisites transformations are right under transformation file.

172918: CQPAR00243164 - Remaining issues with Model Compiler and "Compile data classes individually"

Now inclusions for .h and .cpp files are not generated in UnitName.cpp and in corresponding .cpp files for elements, if corresponding element properties of 'Generate File' option are deselected. This was done in 10.3 2019.11
Also fixed a bug that prevented inclusion of .cpp files to UnitName.cpp if generation omitted for some of them. This was done in 10.3 2019.35

172891: Model RealTime hangs after clicking "Visualize Existing ..."

Visualize Existing… now uses newer version of Select UML Element dialog that doesn't traverse all resources.