Model RealTime 10.3 2019.11

March 19, 2019

Sprint 2019.11 has been completed and we are excited to share the improvements achieved. One of the main areas we have been working on recently is the Model Debugger. In additional to various fixes for the Trace editor, Events view, runtime structure population, state symbols highlighting during animation, we have introduced new type-wide model breakpoints. Therefore there are two types of model breakpoints now:

The Model Compiler was another area of focus in this sprint. New support for CDT Codan integration sets special CDT provider on generated C++ projects: CDT GCC Built-in compiler settings provider. It helps to automatically compute compiler symbols and include paths. We encourage users to try Codan support and would value your feedback. Please note that Codan support is enabled by means of a special preference: RealTime Development – C++ – Generate additional information for Code Analysis.

It is now easier to use incremental builds with the new improvement in the makefile generation. In case you are making only compile setting modification in the transformation configuration file, build system would be able to detect and perform incremental build for such TCs using new rule in generated makefiles.

This sprint was also distinctive because of the HCL TechConnect event that was co-located with Embedded World 2019. It aimed to gather our main customers, and it did happen! There were many interesting presentations and technical discussions around diverse areas of future evolution of HCL Modeling Tools. Make sure to follow our posts on devops-community site not to miss the next TechConnect meeting!