Opening (loading) and closing (unloading) UML model files

By default, DevOps Model RealTime loads model files incrementally into memory when you perform an action that requires a particular part of the model to be loaded. For example, when you expand an element in the Project Explorer, which is stored in its own model file, such as a package or a class, that model file is loaded so you can see the contents of that element in the Project Explorer.

The main reason for loading model files incrementally is to improve start-up performance and to reduce memory usage.

You can force one or multiple model files to be loaded at any time. To load a single model file, right-click on an element stored in that file in the Project Explorer and perform Open or Open Model. To load multiple model files, use the command Load UML Models, which is available from the Modeling menu. All model files and all their fragment files are loaded.

If you have enough memory to have the entire workspace model loaded into memory, it can be very beneficial for performance to load all model files using Load UML Models.

There is a preference, RealTime Development - Load models on startup, that can be set to automatically trigger Load UML Models each time you open a new workspace.

You can close parts of the model manually to free up memory and remove elements from the Project Explorer when you are no longer are interested in them. There are two ways to do this: